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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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i forget what where i saw it that Trump apparently in the early days looked into it after Trump made that claim on telling his people to slow down testing, apparently he did that so he can get poll numbers so he was actually telling the truth for once. apparently the money they have for it they've never spent on testing.  as for bolten check out Colbert's interview on him, Colbert really laid into him i think, the only thing he said that i agree with was that the dems went to fast and mishandled  the impeachment. everything else he blamed on the dems, Colbert asked him if he thought he was corrupt and he never gave him a straight answer.

he also asked Bolten if he heard such bad things about him why go work for him? he said well i was hoping he would have listened and learned was his reply.
at one point i forget what Colbert said but he goes to him you said some very hurtful things. boo hoo hoo, he didn't testify at the trial because he didn't think it would have mattered and it would have been ignored which is what he said.   that may be true but we will never know ya know? i watched that because i was curious i wasn't sure if i would believe him or not and wow was he lying about a lot and Colbert knew it. he tried to get him to admit so much but nope he pretty much said the dems did this and that. check it out you no doubt will get angry at his BS.


Watching a video from a study in the UK. Covid seems to be causing an increased likelihood of swelling of the brain (encephalitis), blood clots and strokes. Just how deep is this rabbit hole going to go?

Starting to wonder if we should start chucking vegans into volcano's to see if we can appease the ancient ones or something.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Quote from: Alex on June 26, 2020, 01:29:23 AM
Watching a video from a study in the UK. Covid seems to be causing an increased likelihood of swelling of the brain (encephalitis), blood clots and strokes. Just how deep is this rabbit hole going to go?

Starting to wonder if we should start chucking vegans into volcano's to see if we can appease the ancient ones or something.

Hey- it can't hurt!  :thumbup:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


This was just send to me

SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, ENGLAND - JUNE 25: A general view of crowds on the beach on June 25, 2020 in Southend-on-Sea, England.


Rev. Powell

Quote from: claws on June 26, 2020, 08:30:58 AM
This was just send to me

SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, ENGLAND - JUNE 25: A general view of crowds on the beach on June 25, 2020 in Southend-on-Sea, England.


Americans aren't the world's only idiots.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


One English town, Bournemouth actually declared a state of emergency over the number of people who crowded onto the beach.

Half a million Darwin awards right there.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness

Jim H

Quote from: Rev. Powell on June 26, 2020, 08:38:04 AM
Quote from: claws on June 26, 2020, 08:30:58 AM
This was just send to me

SOUTHEND-ON-SEA, ENGLAND - JUNE 25: A general view of crowds on the beach on June 25, 2020 in Southend-on-Sea, England.


Americans aren't the world's only idiots.

Yeah...  In terms of the general public's bad behavior and opinions, England is pretty similar to Americans in a lot of things, so is Australia and to a lesser average extent Canada.  I guess that makes sense considering the shared cultural heritage and history.  Just try to find opinion and general knowledge polls and look how common kinda dumb answers are.  Related to this, there was that poll where about 8% of Brits think 5G is a cause of Coronavirus symptoms, and 7% think the entire thing is a hoax.  Way more 5G towers got attacked there than in America.

Or opinions on things people think are uniquely horrible or barbaric about Americans or whatever (based on what Europeans say online anyway).  For example, until very recently the majority of Brits supported the use of the death penalty for some crimes, even though they haven't had the death penalty for over 50 years.  Even now it's close to half supporting it.  

America just gets singled out as we have the biggest media scene and by far the biggest population in the anglosphere.  


Quote from: Alex on June 26, 2020, 01:29:23 AM
Watching a video from a study in the UK. Covid seems to be causing an increased likelihood of swelling of the brain (encephalitis), blood clots and strokes. Just how deep is this rabbit hole going to go?

Starting to wonder if we should start chucking vegans into volcano's to see if we can appease the ancient ones or something.

new research is indicating that covid 19 may TRIGGER diabetes too, along with permanent lung& kidney damage.
don't EVEN...EVER!

Rev. Powell

Quote from: claws on June 26, 2020, 06:54:31 PM
This is insanity

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

I'm hoping this kind of thing will increase public support for masks, as some who are kind of mildly anti-mask for laziness reasons won't want to be associated with these kind of crazy people. Probably won't happen that way, but that's my hope.

It's just nuts to me that people think a public health recommendation is a political issue. Partisanship has broken America. We're f**ked.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


anyone who thinks this virus is a Hoax anyone at all i don't care if it's even members of my own family they deserve a special place in hell because they deserve if they get it. like i mentioned that Religious guy that started out being one of those people well until him and his wife got the virus, i do wonder if his wife died from the virus though. but to give him credit at least somewhat anyways, he now goes online and posts that it's not a hoax and tells people to be safe and stuff we all should be doing. it's just a damn shame that he learned too late.

anyways you also forget that there are a lot of idiots that still think it's the flu. we've all had the flu everyone on this board no doubt has had the flu but the flu 99% of the time doesn't kill you, oh i'm sure it has on the past when people have really weak hearts, weak immune systems etc... but that's just 1% .

this virus...well i don't need to explain it, really the only thing i can say is good and i'm talking about myself is that i'm working on losing weight and have been for the past month or so. i didn't at first but so far i've lost i think 10 or 12 lbs thus far.  i'm hoping to lose more and i'm also hoping to lose more as well.

i'm still not working so you gotta stay busy and this is the best time to lose weight i think. thus far i've gone done from wearing size 36 jeans or shorts when it's warmer, to a size 34 next time i go to wally fart as i like to call it, i'm gonna prolly buy some size 33 shorts to see if i can actually fit into those :) 

so far i have only 1 shirt that's XL that i can fit into. i can wear normally 2XX or even 3XX but some 2XX are still not loose enough, i've never been a guy that wants to be one of those fat people who wears the tightest shirts. so i like to wear them lose, i have a whole box full of shirts i want to wear once i lose more weight.  i dd that so it can motivate me to lose more weight, sorry if i'm rambling on but it just keeps me motivated that's all


I have pretty much decided that the USA DESERVES to have more deaths from COVID than any nation on earth, because we have become a nation of selfish morons!!!!

Just wear the stupid mask already!!!!!
:hatred: :hatred: :hatred: :hot: :hot:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: indianasmith on July 02, 2020, 02:01:16 PM
I have pretty much decided that the USA DESERVES to have more deaths from COVID than any nation on earth, because we have become a nation of selfish morons!!!!

Just wear the stupid mask already!!!!!
:hatred: :hatred: :hatred: :hot: :hot:

There are a lot of people I want to scream at to grow up and at least act like an adult.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


me to, something well news anyways showed up on my  celly and that's apparently there's an outbreak of some idiots that refused to listen and so they had a party well hmm deserve it? lol f**K yeah they do if they are that stupid. i've said before 5 years listen better than these people. i think i posted this elsewhere but i honestly can't remember anymore that as Seth meyer said last week

how about they go to a doctor the next time they have a big surgery and tell the doctor that they don't want you to wear a mask or wash your hands because that's you are an American and that's your right.  on yahoo news yesterday they did an article about how Jennifer Anniston made a video to people that told everyone to wear a mask she said a bunch of things and i clicked on the reply section and there this guy who posted i have Asthma and i can only wear it for so long etc...  i don't have it so i don't know if he was right or not i thought hew as honest at first  but than i read more replied and they had people go off on him

saying i'm i think it was a doctor and i have severe asthma and i have to wear it 10 hrs a day and it doesn't bother me at all WEAR A MASK and she called him out of being full of S**t  cause apparently he was. anyways we haven't become a country of selfish morons we have always been that way they just are in the news more than they used to be. much like more cops get caught killing innocent blacks these days because of technology and more people are aware of it now

than they used to be. but it's always been there sadly, now do the cops get into trouble hell no, though this time the killing of George Floyd apparently is a first where they are getting into trouble for it and for that i'm thrilled.   

anyways did anyone see that Trump is upset that a mural about George Floyd is gonna be outside of Trump Tower and he's calling it message of hate or something along the lines of that.  to me that sounds like something a racist would say how about you?


Quote from: Rev. Powell on June 26, 2020, 08:09:08 PM
I'm hoping this kind of thing will increase public support for masks, as some who are kind of mildly anti-mask for laziness reasons won't want to be associated with these kind of crazy people. Probably won't happen that way, but that's my hope.

It's just nuts to me that people think a public health recommendation is a political issue. Partisanship has broken America. We're f**ked.
I had my haircut this week because no one was in the place save the barber.  A man walked in, asked for a mask, put it on and sat down.  Meanwhile, the barber had asked me to remove mine (he had one) in order to get at my scraggly... when I left, I made a point of thanking the customer waiting and explained why I had taken mine off.  He was fine with that, but went on a tirade of "lack of oxygen" they "do nothing" etc.  He got a short sharp shock... I explained moisture droplets anyone's coughing or sneezing, and a masks protection is quite real and largely effective.  I should have just left.  
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!