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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on July 07, 2020, 08:48:48 PM
Rev- you don't think the massive protests where no social distancing was observed had any effect on the spread of corona?

I absolutely do! We agree!

I don't believe that "If not for the protests it would probably be over." We weren't anywhere near beating covid for good when the protests started.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


some of them were bored yes, but some of them i do think were tired like i am of blacks being killed by the cops, part of it prolly was boredom the virus getting worse i don't think is just the people who are in the riots.

we are i hear at Level 2 here and we don't have those around here, as far as i'm aware i think it was Huron or Grafton i forget which has a Level 3 and i never go there anyways. and i've heard nothing  about riots being there either, this is Ohio by the way. the #1 reason it's gotten so worse is that people are stupid and not listening to what the doctors are saying and not wearing masks and not giving a damn pretty much about anyone else.

there are so many stupid people out there that the riots can't be blamed for everything simply because there isn't riots in every place in the USA and they have places in the red. but i will say that i went out Friday and yesterday and i saw more people wearing masks than the ones who weren't so it's a start. 2 or 3 weeks ago when i last went out and i was at the Giant Eagle there were way too many people without them.


Quote from: lester1/2jr on July 07, 2020, 08:48:48 PM

pennywise - sorry to be so cynical but ultimately the protest and riots were a result of people being BORED more than anything else. WHy else would they have expanded into protests for transexual and gay rights? what does that have to do with george Floyd? People wanted to go outside

That's nonsense.

WHY it expanded, my friend, is because ALL folks who are treated like second hand citizens are protesting this  "DUH!?" rich brat who is against anybody who isn't worshipping HIM !
We have a President who demeans Mexicans, blacks, gays, or anybody from those "s**t countrys".
He treats women like things that can be bought. He's a scumbag.
We are all in this together. THAT would be being an American.
I think I will believe science and actual court documents before...ah f**k.  :bluesad:
I don't know why I bother. Sorry Lester. I wish I could help you.  :bluesad:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


it's a number of reasons was my point not just one reason. but having people refuse to wear masks and not give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves isn't helping it either.


Quote from: pennywise37 on July 08, 2020, 02:03:51 AM
it's a number of reasons was my point not just one reason. but having people refuse to wear masks and not give a rat's ass about anyone but themselves isn't helping it either.

I wasn't jumping you, Pennywise, I was preaching to Lester.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


The number of people attending trump rallies or refusing to wear masks pales in comparison to the millions worldwide in the streets.

whether you support the protests or not, it was obviously in conflict with the guidelines for Covid.


I think I'm confused. Why is wearing a mask to a protest bad when the protestors are all wearing masks?  Matter of fact why is wearing a mask a political thing? If anything it's a flimsy excuse to be "free" when all it does is showcase people being adult babies?
yeah no.


the protester weren't all wearing masks. and the rioters weren't either

my point isn't that refusing to wear a mask is smart or mature but that the overall effect from that can't possibly be even close to millions of people marching next to each other in the streets, chanting sweating etc


Somebody at my place of work apparently tested positive for Covid-19. 

(yeah, lucky me.  My low paying warehouse job is considered essential so I actually haven't been affected by quarantine as much as some other people.  I''ve  been going back to school, to get something better)

We try to maintain social distancing, and all that other stuff-but I feel closer to actually getting it then I have been in the last few months.
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...


The protests were not a thing about boredom. .   This has been a long, long time coming, and inevitable.

We need to have change in our society, and the privileged have to become aware of the reality of their situation and the reality of the racism in our systems (in America).  The numbers show this.

It's absolutely true, I believe, that Americans can't collectively focus enough on the common good to very strongly hold to social distancing in all states.  Too many greedy bastards and really bad leaders.  In pockets and places, we've done a good job.   But in lots of places, not, or not for a sustained period of time.    The numbers show this, too.

Trump rallies are something we love to hate, but they aren't the big problem.

The protests were probably deleterious to our covid progress, but they aren't of itself the big problem.

The big problem is that we *do not care* as a society about each other as we should, we *do not admit* the iniquities in our systems, and we have not made the changes we need, so far, to let there be justice.

of course, human justice sucks and will always suck.   Only before God, when He makes an end of all these systems, will there be justice.  That's my belief.   

Let's take it down to a simple, observable thing, masks.  We know they help; everyone should wear them.   Pretty simple, right?   But look how we've done with that.  Here in the state of Washington, a good six weeks ago I counted 13 out of 20 people masked at a grocery store.   Only just now has the governor decreed universal masking and if you don't wear a mask, a business has the right to throw your ass out, unserved.    *NOW* I see most everyone wearing a mask.   Still not everyone though, but a lot closer.


What kills me is that the White House gets tested daily! And me sweetie Tiana gets tested once a week. And she's a RNA at a nursing home!  :hatred:
Yet Trump won't where a mask!

Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


oh sorry about that RC i thought you meant me, yeah that is messed up i'm glad your wife is still getting tested but not as quite as often as she'd like no doubt.
anyways, the number #1 reason is that people are stupid that's why it's gotten so bad, i do agree that these riots were going to happen at some point may it be during a virus or in another lifetime it would have happened at some point.

it's also bringing out the racist idiots out even more than usual it seems too. my thoughts may be all over the place that's true but there is just so much Bullsh*t  out there these days that i can't always keep track of it. i'm against the looters those need to stop i think, ya know they really need to pay attention to what these people are saying and not just saying black lives matter and dress up etc... actually do something to prove to the people and once they see it's actually in motion the protests may stop.

i also agree i've seen video on the news that a lot of people out there do have masks on, not everyone does and it's also true that with everyone sweating as well,

but it's at least outside where Bunker Boy's Rally was inside which is even worse. as far as i'm aware of i don't know anyone who is even the riots does anyone here know anyone who's in one?


QuoteThe protests were not a thing about boredom. .   This has been a long, long time coming, and inevitable.

We need to have change in our society, and the privileged have to become aware of the reality of their situation and the reality of the racism in our systems (in America).  The numbers show this.

believe that if you want, but from a public health perspective WHY people were in the streets makes ZERO difference

Jim H

Quote from: lester1/2jr on July 08, 2020, 07:48:29 PM
QuoteThe protests were not a thing about boredom. .   This has been a long, long time coming, and inevitable.

We need to have change in our society, and the privileged have to become aware of the reality of their situation and the reality of the racism in our systems (in America).  The numbers show this.

believe that if you want, but from a public health perspective WHY people were in the streets makes ZERO difference

As an aside, I think it's fair to point out there's absolutely been hypocrisy in how people treat different protests in this era.  Honestly, I think anyone suggesting otherwise isn't looking at it very closely.  To be clear, I get some people saying "it's not different danger wise, but X protest is more worth it", agree or disagree - I get that logic.   But a lot of people completely ignored the danger entirely when they were more sympathetic to the protest.  I'll say a lot of big media pieces did point it out (I remember CNN having some stuff on it), but a ton of friendly coverage did not.  It was hard not to notice the difference in mainstream media coverage VS the protests in Michigan and so forth, in regards to spreading COVID.

Oh, one difference that's kind of interesting from another perspective - quite a few people in Europe were absolutely FURIOUS over a lot of the solidarity protests over there, especially in the UK.

That said...  From what they've been finding so far (via tracing those at protests who it turned out had COVID, there's now been a few attempts on this out there), the protests didn't spread it nearly as much as a lot of people were afraid.  The general thinking now is that being outdoors greatly reduces the chances of transmission period, even more than they originally thought.  Which is a good thing, really.  You can also typically see this where the cases are greatly increasing VS where they are not - New York City had huge protests in tight outdoor spaces, and their caseload is relatively steady for instance.  Based on what they're saying now, it's looking like the states that allowed congregation in crowded indoor places like bars and restaurants indoors are one of the biggest sources of the resurgence - a commonality of California, Texas, Florida, Arizona, etc.


i just our area is now at Level 3 it was level 2 before, and Cuyhoga county not near where i live here in ohio is now apparently at Level 4.  thankfully i don't live there.  they just announced that today on the news actually