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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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pure luck i think, my dad had his 1st shot and i think it was the shot that made him sick as hell for like over a week or so he's only now feeling better as of just yesterday as a matter of fact.  i'm hoping his 2nd shot doesn't get him feeling like that.  my mom just had her's today they signed up online at a number of places that's how desperate they were. 

i'm sorry you haven't got your's yet.  i saw they are opening movie theaters and people are going, that's too damn soon i think i mean i am dying to go and see a movie on the big screen and itching to go to and actually dine out as well  but i'm not stupid enough to do that as it's not safe yet i don't think.

i still wear a mask regardless if i have got the shots because just you get one though they say you may not get it i look at it this way, they don't know enough to know that and you never know you could still get it so i'm still taking precaution

Rev. Powell

Quote from: pennywise37 on March 09, 2021, 10:21:21 PM
pure luck i think, my dad had his 1st shot and i think it was the shot that made him sick as hell for like over a week or so he's only now feeling better as of just yesterday as a matter of fact.  i'm hoping his 2nd shot doesn't get him feeling like that.  my mom just had her's today they signed up online at a number of places that's how desperate they were. 

i'm sorry you haven't got your's yet.  i saw they are opening movie theaters and people are going, that's too damn soon i think i mean i am dying to go and see a movie on the big screen and itching to go to and actually dine out as well  but i'm not stupid enough to do that as it's not safe yet i don't think.

i still wear a mask regardless if i have got the shots because just you get one though they say you may not get it i look at it this way, they don't know enough to know that and you never know you could still get it so i'm still taking precaution

I've been out to the movies four times since they reopened. (I used to go once a week; now, less than once a month). Two times I was the only person in the theater.

I have also dined in at restaurants, again much less than usual.

I'm a lot less concerned now that my parents (and damn, it seems like most of the people I know) have been vaccinated. But I still want the damn vaccine in me to put that final nail in the Covid coffin.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


yeah but we still have f.... idiots who refuse to take it so that's STILL not helping and i blame Trump on that. the presidents speech is on and i never watch him in fact the last time i had one on was when obama made his last speech.  and it's so nice to have an actual leader and an actual adult as president

Rev. Powell

The ironic thing is, if I were still an overweight smoker, I could get the vaccine now because I'd be in a high-risk group. I'm too healthy to be inoculated!  :hatred:
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I got my first shot yesterday.  Other than mild soreness in my arm, I've had zero side effects - and a huge sense of emotional relief.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


good i'm glad to hear that the other day we had get this only 750 people reported the virus bu ti dunno what it was today though.

no doubt it'll rise soon since spring break is gonna be here soon


Quote from: pennywise37 on March 11, 2021, 11:28:28 PM
good i'm glad to hear that the other day we had get this only 750 people reported the virus bu ti dunno what it was today though.

no doubt it'll rise soon since spring break is gonna be here soon

I know, it's so hard to get college kids to drink beer through a mask.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


well to be fair it's not just College kids who are idiots adults are too and that's also not helping. i listened to Biden's speech tonight and it was nice  to hear a president who is trying to help get rid of it. i dunno how much truth he did say but even if it was 5% that's more than Trump ever did.

he did say that by May 1st all adults should be able to be allowed to get the vaccine, also let me add that he didn't say that everyone will get it on that day but you can sign up on that day so when it is there you can get it. that's a good start i think


Quote from: pennywise37 on March 11, 2021, 11:40:43 PM
well to be fair it's not just College kids who are idiots adults are too and that's also not helping. i listened to Biden's speech tonight and it was nice  to hear a president who is trying to help get rid of it. i dunno how much truth he did say but even if it was 5% that's more than Trump ever did.

he did say that by May 1st all adults should be able to be allowed to get the vaccine, also let me add that he didn't say that everyone will get it on that day but you can sign up on that day so when it is there you can get it. that's a good start i think

In defense of spring breakers, though, it's just not romantic to be in the stall of a Fort Lauderdale sports bar locked in a passionate embrace with that special someone you met ten minutes before in the jagerbomb line, wishing for total nudity during ninety seconds of your life you'll barely remember in the morning, but having to leave a mask on to combat a virus your Uncle Rick said he heard off the radio doesn't really exist. It ruins the mood something awful.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


oh i'm not disagreeing with you at all but i think people forget how last year when we had those moronic college kids and when they came to their sense one of them went home and his own father would not let him into his own room because he was afraid he had gotten sick. i have no idea if what did happen after that though.

than there are the idiots who like a month or two ago out here by me went out to the bars and this was the adults! my folks went out and later told me the bars were full! they don't go out drinking anyways but man are people stupid

Rev. Powell

My old college friends were complaining about spring breakers last year and I'm like really, man? In our day we'd get drunk and decide to go to Mardi Gras on the spur of the moment, drive 6 hours, sleep for two, get up and drink 24 hours straight, make out with random chicks on the street in public, then drive back on no sleep because one of us had a test the next day, and you think we'd have been cautiously observing all the Covid health and safety protocols? Not excusing them at all, but of course college students are going to spread the virus. Spreading viruses is what college is all about.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


i get what you are saying i do but when you were in college there was no pandemic,  i just meant that since we are in one these college kids shouldn't go do spring break. to me it's just not worth going on and catching the virus it's just so not worth it.

i also didn't go to college either but if i had i wouldn't go anywhere if a pandemic was going on at the time, course i also wouldn't have signed up for college either

Jim H

As a bit of an update, it is fascinating how the USA is now essentially killing it in vaccination delivery now as places like Italy are going into new lockdowns.  The USA is still a master of productions and logistics when it needs to be - it's worth remembering the scope, population size and spread out nature of much of the country.  We're something like 20% of adults at least partially vaccinated, and Canada is under 2% last I saw.  Germany is like 4% I think. 

Also, an anecdote from a German I found funny and sad at the same time.  Germany apparently had no good ways of identifying over 65 year olds to attempt to get them to vaccinate, due to privacy laws and difficulties circumventing them.  So they started sending out physical letters to addresses with names that sounded old.  Naturally, there's plenty of young people still with those names, just fewer, so some people in their 20s got letters being like "You're old, please get vaccinated".  Strange stuff.  Apparently Germany just has not had its stuff together on vaccines, and neither has most other countries, and the issues you hear about in many American states are worse in most other places. 


 i know it's weird that we here in the states are getting better with having the vaccine but i am a little bit surprised the other countries are far worse i guess cause i'm used  to being at the bottom cause i live in the states and we had a moron for president for 4 long really long i mean extremely long years. 

in my opinion no matter if you hate Biden i don't love the guy either but he's done so far more for it's Citizens in over 50 days than Trump did in the 4 years he was president. no doubt there will be a time when i'm gonna complain about Biden doing something stupid that's life but right now he's doing a better job  in 50 some days than well....   anyways yeah i get what you are saying it's not funny that they have lower rates on people who are getting the vaccine but what is funny are how they word the letters.

i hope it gets better in those other countries i really do


Quote from: Jim H on March 13, 2021, 02:00:12 PM
As a bit of an update, it is fascinating how the USA is now essentially killing it in vaccination delivery now as places like Italy are going into new lockdowns.  The USA is still a master of productions and logistics when it needs to be - it's worth remembering the scope, population size and spread out nature of much of the country.  We're something like 20% of adults at least partially vaccinated, and Canada is under 2% last I saw.  Germany is like 4% I think.   

To be fair, Canada did have a few delays in delivery.   We had contracts, we just didn't get the vaccines on schedule.  We're catching up now.
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"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch