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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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i saw today ? yesterday that the Asians got a new bill to help against the haters if i understand that right or if i typed that wrong,  while i'm grateful that they got that but where's the one for blacks?  i don't see one coming for them at all and that angers me that not one of them are working on a bill to  help the blacks in this country. 


Doesn't it bother anybody that the CDC's recent recommendation for the fully vaccinated to waltz around maskless in public with a few exceptions runs opposite of the recommendations for herd immunity?

QuoteNearly 36% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, according to the CDC...

QuoteWhat percentage of the population needs to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity?

With each disease the proportion of people that must be vaccinated to provide protection to the unvaccinated varies. Experts' best guesses for covid-19, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, estimate the range is somewhere between 70 and 85 percent given that this is a new virus and is still being studied.

First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


they're lifting the mask mandate in the county where I live  :hatred: :hatred: :hatred:

it's going to be the wild west

they're just going to trust that the only people who have been vaccinated  won't be wearing masks

this is a complete and utter failure

a chunk of the people where I live never wore a mask, infection and death rate from COVID will go sky high
Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa, Villeneuve - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: zelmo73 on May 14, 2021, 05:31:24 PM
Doesn't it bother anybody that the CDC's recent recommendation for the fully vaccinated to waltz around maskless in public with a few exceptions runs opposite of the recommendations for herd immunity?

QuoteNearly 36% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, according to the CDC...

QuoteWhat percentage of the population needs to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity?

With each disease the proportion of people that must be vaccinated to provide protection to the unvaccinated varies. Experts' best guesses for covid-19, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, estimate the range is somewhere between 70 and 85 percent given that this is a new virus and is still being studied.


I don't see any contradiction. Masks are to stop people from spreading Covid, vaccines are to stop people from getting Covid. Vaccinated people are safe to go without masks, and on an unrelated note, America will not reach herd immunity. Vaccinated people aren't spreading Covid.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on May 14, 2021, 06:36:36 PM
Quote from: zelmo73 on May 14, 2021, 05:31:24 PM
Doesn't it bother anybody that the CDC's recent recommendation for the fully vaccinated to waltz around maskless in public with a few exceptions runs opposite of the recommendations for herd immunity?

QuoteNearly 36% of the U.S. population is fully vaccinated, according to the CDC...

QuoteWhat percentage of the population needs to be vaccinated to reach herd immunity?

With each disease the proportion of people that must be vaccinated to provide protection to the unvaccinated varies. Experts' best guesses for covid-19, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, estimate the range is somewhere between 70 and 85 percent given that this is a new virus and is still being studied.


I don't see any contradiction. Masks are to stop people from spreading Covid, vaccines are to stop people from getting Covid. Vaccinated people are safe to go without masks, and on an unrelated note, America will not reach herd immunity. Vaccinated people aren't spreading Covid.

I understand all of that, I just found it odd that after the government made it their entire mantra last year to achieve herd immunity, flatten the curve, etc. Then they do an almost complete 180 all of a sudden just within the past few days. Listening to Fauci today was almost surreal, acting like the vaccine is some kind of cure for COVID. Plus, the message is mixed, telling us that it's okay for the fully vaccinated to go without masks but only in public places where they say that it's okay to do so and you have to wear masks on federal property, at an airport, at a national park, etc. So a fully vaccinated person can run maskless and free at a store or restaurant that says that it is okay but not at a library, for example.

Quote- Once you get vaccinated, can you still transmit COVID to other people?

DR. GEORGE MORRIS: How likely are you to get it afterwards? That could be called those breakthrough infections, and we've seen a few hundred people. It's not zero, but at least what we've tracked here internally and what I've seen at the statewide data is probably 0.05%. So maybe a few hundred people have had COVID even after they've been fully vaccinated. And of those, we haven't seen that spread to all of their family members, all of their communities, everything else. We haven't seen large outbreaks in those fully vaccinated populations.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


well i've said this countless times over and over on how just cause there's a vaccine doesn't mean it's a cure etc.. since you guys know that i can just breeze over that part since you guys know it yet i saw that Bill Mahr i'm not even sure i spelled his last name right? my apologies if i did, anyways it showed up on my celly on how he's got the vaccine and he's infected by covid so that proves my point on how f.... stupid they are to want to open everything up damn near all over! just cause as i said you get the shot you can still get infected.

as i said on another site i belong to kinda how like if you are around someone with the flu or a cold though the virus is nothing like that but you can still get it my point is.   i think these idiots think that just cause you got the shot it is a cure well i dunno why they can't just still be cautious oh well that would make too much damn sense  i nearly forgot

Rev. Powell

We're not going to achieve herd immunity. We've done the best we can, immunized essentially everyone we can convince. So it's time to reopen. It's not perfect, other countries did better, but we did the best we could do. Now pray that a mutation doesn't take us back to square one.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


i get your line of thinking but it's gonna f... us up sooner than they think and we will be going back to square one i truly believe

Jim H

QuoteI understand all of that, I just found it odd that after the government made it their entire mantra last year to achieve herd immunity, flatten the curve, etc. Then they do an almost complete 180 all of a sudden just within the past few days. Listening to Fauci today was almost surreal, acting like the vaccine is some kind of cure for COVID. Plus, the message is mixed, telling us that it's okay for the fully vaccinated to go without masks but only in public places where they say that it's okay to do so and you have to wear masks on federal property, at an airport, at a national park, etc. So a fully vaccinated person can run maskless and free at a store or restaurant that says that it is okay but not at a library, for example.

It was an abrupt turn around, I'd agree, and the reveal was definitely off.  I work for something under County government, so I hear about inter-branch and state and city communications stuff to an extent, and everyone had to scramble to deal with it at all levels - there was almost no lead in and little prep time.  

But I'd been paying attention to what the studies on transmission and results of vaccinated people are though, and the rates of vaccination going on, and while I think they probably should have waited a bit more (maybe another 2-4 weeks) to allow everyone who wanted one to get fully vaccinated, it made sense to do this soon.  To give an idea, Missouri opened up vaccines to all barely over a month ago, so if you couldn't get an appointment week one you might not even be fully vaccinated yet.  But now it's extremely easy to get one, which is why I think another bit of time would have been nice.  Timing with that was the only issue I thought.

Regardless - We're approaching the point where everyone who wants to get vaccinated will have been so, the dangers of those vaccinated spreading the disease are extremely small, and those who can't get vaccinated are either in almost no danger from COVID (children under 12) or will always be at risk as the USA is probably not going to achieve herd immunity as far too many people are just not going for vaccines here now (though maybe we'll get lucky and vaccines + natural immunity from infection will manage it).  No one rational wants to force masks and distancing forever.  So this is around the point where it makes sense to go back to relative normalcy.


i get what you are saying and they really should wait until kids get the shot, my niece who is 14 just had hers on Friday as a matter of fact and she hates needles!

i'm extremely proud of her for doing so but my nephew who's gonna be 10 this year can't get one yet and no doubt things will go a lot smoother if kids his age or younger can get one.  for those who have trouble with needles though they really need to come up with something i am thinking of a i say kid though he's in i think his 30's that lives up the road from me he's got Autism and if he can't stand going to the dentist and doesn't handle a lot of things very well he's really handicapped no joke.  my point is for someone like him for example they really should consider that if they haven't already


Our Minister of Health has acknowledged that mistakes have been made in our vaccine rollout. And yes, I will get a jab when my turn comes.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


good for them for admitting that i'm serious unlike a lot of people in power at least they admit it


Our government has fudged our vaccine rollout badly and they have admitted it: as from tomorrow, we are on what they call Level 2 alert. At least it's not level 4 or the dreaded hard lockdown level 5.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


"Ever get the feeling that you've been cheated?" - Johnny Rotten, 1978

The controversial theory first emerged early on in the pandemic, and was promoted by then-US President Donald Trump. Some even suggested it could have been engineered as a possible biological weapon.

While many in the media and politics dismissed these as conspiracy theories at the time, others called for more consideration of the possibility. Nevertheless, the idea resurfaced in recent weeks.

So why has it come up again?

Because reports swirling around the US media have raised fresh concerns over the lab-leak theory. And some scientists who were once sceptical of the idea have expressed fresh openness to it.

A classified US intelligence report - saying three researchers at the Wuhan laboratory were treated in hospital in November 2019, just before the virus began infecting humans in the city - began circulating in US media this week.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


Every virologist who has examined the COVID-19 virus has concluded that it is a naturally occurring virus.  It lacks the genetic markers that human manipulation leaves behind.  Of course, that doesn't mean that it might not have escaped (or been released) from a lab where it was being studied.  Seems kinda dumb to release it on your own people first, though.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"