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Author Topic: Dark Alex's Really Long Post Thread.  (Read 330970 times)
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #165 on: March 21, 2018, 04:54:52 PM »

Just had to share this one.

Oh, and I just got into trouble from Kristi. AC/DC just came on with 'If you want blood', and apparantly you are not allowed to use a baby to play air guitar with.  Thumbdown

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #166 on: March 21, 2018, 05:18:55 PM »

And I know, I am biased but SO CUTE!!!! SSSSSQQQQUUUUUUEEEEEEE!!!!!  (Oh I am so glad none of my old combat squad are on here).

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #167 on: March 22, 2018, 08:46:05 AM »

Found out that work had me down as off today, so I get an extra day at home w00t! When I popped into work yesterday the XO was hobbling around on crutches. Bit of a skiing accident.

Ash is cluster feeding today so I guess he is preparing for a growth spurt. Poor Kristi is stuck on the couch feeding him and has been for the past four hours. She needs the toilet and I am helping by doing my impression of a dripping tap. When he wasn't feeding for a bit earlier I was holding him. He fell asleep on me and then Kristi leaned over and fell asleep on me too. Only one I didn't have sleeping on me was the cat. Oh well at least something I enjoyed was on the TV (Hellboy).

Going to go up to the man cave shortly and get some writing done. Not got much of that seen too recently. Still the thought of being back in work tomorrow and then off for the weekend followed by a week of nights is a good one. The sun is shining.

Today looks set to be a good day.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
« Reply #168 on: March 22, 2018, 07:14:58 PM »

B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #169 on: March 23, 2018, 02:19:57 PM »

First day back at work. Terrible to have to have to go in for one day and then get an early finish. Things look like they've been chaotic while I've been gone and calmed down just in time for me to get back. Perfectly timed then.

Got home and Kristi looked shattered so I told her to go to bed. She told me she was hungry and needed something to eat first, so I said well get some food then while I look after the baby. She told me she was really tired. I have a strong dislike of conversations like that, that just go around in a circle. Anyway, I sent her to bed in the end and I have food ready for her when she wakes up.

Sometimes I feel more like her dad than her husband. I don't like that either.

Ash decided to cry once Kristi was out the room unless I was holding him. Sometimes I'd let him cry a bit just so he knows he isn't getting his way when he cries but since I wanted Kristi to sleep I was trying to keep him quiet. Got a bottle ready for him (one handed since I also had to carry him), fed the cat (still one handed), and then had to go to the toilet...

That kid is merciless. Anyway, he is sleeping now since I fed him a bottle. Why he couldn't have slept earlier is a damn good question.

Did manage to get Dagon to come sit on my lap for a bit which is first. He has really grown in the past couple of weeks and I am pretty sure he is as big as he is goig to get which is a good thing. I don't think I want him putting on any more muscle.

Here is a random post for you. How the Polish army helped defend Scotland during the Second World War.

Then remember that today people in the UK complain about Polish immigration to the UK.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #170 on: March 25, 2018, 02:45:11 PM »

Recently I asked about why social justice warriors and not other classes?

Well by sheer coincidence I came across these later that day.


Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #171 on: March 25, 2018, 03:14:13 PM »

So the forums have been up and down for a few days. Hoping they stay up this time. There are a lot of people here I'd hate not to hear from again.

What has been happening baby wise in my world... Well Dagon has altered his meow so he now sounds like the baby crying. I managed to get Kristi to go for a nap this afternoon and put Ash in his bouncy chair. He had been sleeping there quite happily for a hour or so when all of a sudden out of nowhere he started screaming.

Now, I don't mean like a baby screams. I mean like full on being eaten alive or woman being chased by a knife carrying psychopath in a horror movie type screaming. It damn near gave me a heart attack as I leapt up out of my seat and jumped across the room thinking that somehow something was attacking him.

After about 5 seconds of this screaming he completely stopped and continued sleeping peacefully.

Ten minutes later my heart was still hammering in my chest.

Found out last night one of my Danish friends who is married to a guy in a metal band that is really big in her home country is getting divorced. Made me feel really sad all night long that not everyone is as happy as me.

Pretty sure that must be an oxymoron.

Although it is a reasonably amicable split, they were having problems dividing their possessions up between them today. I told her to lick anything she wanted to keep as that automatically claimed it for her. She has already done it to one of their chairs.

One night I grabbed Kristi's arm and licked it, thus entrapping her with me for all time. Mama didn't raise no fools there. That girl is a keeper. Besides I am out of chloroform to get me another one.

I also told Pernille my secret thing that I sometimes tell people to think of that is guaranteed to put a smile on your face every time you think of it. Well it works on women anyway, no idea if it would work on men too.

Working nights next week which is good. I like having the Friday off, plus it means that I can lie in bed a bit longer and get cuddles. If that tiny demon of our making hasn't imprisoned us and isn't forcing us to constantly feed him anyway. :)

Decided where to take the D&D campaign next. Writing up a quick adventure based in the city the party are in (although I could move the location easily enough) which is designed purely to give them a chance to make some money after losing almost everything when The Blood Raven sank. I have stolen it from an old WFRP scenario that I always wanted to run but never got a chance to. It will also give the party to fight against a particular genus of bad guys they haven't faced before. Plus I am going to drop a surprise in the end of it that should be a sufficient sting in the tail. How the party handles things will affect how long it takes The Dark Reflection assassins to track them down.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
« Reply #172 on: March 25, 2018, 06:28:26 PM »

did i PM you my email? i THINK i did? or anyone else who wants it,PM a request. seems lik all of my boards are wonky lately.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #173 on: March 25, 2018, 06:42:17 PM »

I am afraid I don't have your email Barri.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #174 on: March 29, 2018, 11:56:00 AM »

Yay the forum is back up and I no longer have to look to the outside world for some sort of validation for my life. :P

Had the health visitor come round today. Ash is gaining weight again which is good, even if he isn't quite back up to his birth weight yet. Kristi was exhausted when I got home from work about 1 am this morning. Every time she held Ash he fell asleep only to wake up as soon as he was put in his basket so sent her up to bed and I sat with him. He fell asleep around half two, which was when he was due his next feed so I then had to try and wake him up. Just after three I gave up and took him up to bed. Kristi had left the windows open and the bedroom was freezing, so I shut them, put the heating on and lay in bed with him on my chest and the blanket over us until the room warmed up enough for me to put him in his cot at around half four.

Not sure what exactly is allowing me to function at the moment on less than three hours sleep every day, but I seem to be managing and I think I am coherent.


At work we have a big industrial sized air con pipe running overhead. One of the DEOC's decided since Jim left his car keys sitting out to hide them hanging from the pipe. Jim didn't notice his car keys were up there all night. I did decide to let him know they were there just before we were going home, as funny as it would have been to let Jim walk all the home to Foress.

Let the guys at work see a photo of me when I was younger and had long hair. Jim thought it was a picture of a woman and said "She is a bit plain Jane, but I'd do her."

Not sure how to take that one really. I mean for a start if I was a woman I promise my standards would be way higher than him. Bobette was working nights this week as well as Jim went on all night about how much he'd like to have his way with her. He also went into detail in which way he'd like that to happen. I think her standards are higher too though. I resolved never to mention the possible video thing I mentioned a while back, to Jim. He also went on a bit about our boss and what he'd like to do with her.

Yeah, her standards are higher too.

Indeed, I am not exactly sure how Jim got married. Hypnotism, drugging, Stockholm Syndrome, insanity... these have all occurred to me as possible explanations. I have never actually met his wife. She could also be a rubber doll that he has named. I've heard amongst certain groups of people that is a thing.

And I thought I was weird.

Took Ash back to the hospital today for his hearing test. Both ears passed so thats good. Our friend Cato came round today to see the baby and spent half the visit in tears.

On the way out to the hospital people kept stopping us to tell us how cute our baby is. I don't know if that is normal or not. I've certainly never stopped a random stranger on the street to give them a critique of their baby. I did ask Kristi we have any more could they be slightly less cute as babies so we can make it to appointments on time.

Hey, did you hear they have discovered a new human organ? It's being called the Interstitium and is one of the largest organs we have (I am guessing the skin is still the largest), but no one had really taken much notice of it before.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
« Reply #175 on: March 29, 2018, 06:08:05 PM »

as a bartender of many years, i'm betting jim has an EXTREMELY dominating wife. i've seen the type before.
  and, you know, you ARE kinda pretty. i might have thought you were a girl if i saw you with long hair too. no offense.
Archeologist, Theologian, Elder Scrolls Addict, and a
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 2595
Posts: 15237

A good bad movie is like popcorn for the soul!

« Reply #176 on: March 29, 2018, 09:58:37 PM »

Now, Alex, imagine every thing you are going through with little Ash right now, IN STEREO.

That's what having twins is like!  I still don't have a ton of memories from the mid-90's, other than being sleepy for the better part of five years there.

"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #177 on: March 30, 2018, 05:48:51 AM »

Let me give you a little story about Jim. Some years back we lost two jets and three out of the four aircrew died. I ended up helping out sort out the personnel effects of one of the dead men which was not a nice thing to have to do. The generic stuff he owned was fine, packing away uniform and clothes and so on was just something you packed away, but every once in a while you'd come across something that reminded you that this had been a real person. Things like a little lego pilot, or a coming across a wedding invitation and then it would hit you a little bit.

Anyway, we had a service of rememberence for the men which was attended by prince Andrew and his daughters (whose names I can't remember but they do wear stupid hats to weddings). After the service was over Jim was once of the ones who was helping pack everything away. He went over and sniffed the seats the princesses had been sitting on.

Something isn't right with that boy.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #178 on: March 30, 2018, 10:22:38 AM »

Waiting on Stewart, Linda and Cameron arriving so did some tidying up this morning. Kristi wanted me to go to bed and get some sleep, but if she had really wanted me to sleep then she shouldn't have woken me up at 5 am to ask me to go all the way around the bed to get a changing mat that was just out of reach for her to move a little and pick up. I may have sleepily stumbled into a few walls and things since I've been on minimal sleep for a while now and then did 40 hours awake looking after Ash so she could get some sleep.

I had hoped that once I'd done that I would get my turn at sleeping but apparently not. Been told I like somewhat zombified today but although I am very tired I just don't feel sleepy. Kristi seems to be feeling guilty about this, but it's not the first time she has woken me up for nothing and then said she wishes she hadn't. Somehow I don't think it will be the last either. Just one of those things.

Oh and being tired is making me feel slightly grumpy, but I'll get used to that. I just lose most of my ability to figure out what people are doing or saying (well what the really mean. When I am exhausted I just can't be bothered figuring out things like hints or subtext).

Just not that much of a people person I guess.

I'd fed Dagon this morning and changed his tray, and was changing a nappy for Ash when Dagon started demanding attention. When he didn't get it he went and pee'd on a bag of stuff nearby. He is now one sorry assed cat and is avoiding me whenever I walk by. He also spent the rest of the morning shut in his bedroom until I felt he'd been punished enough and let him out. Been paying him attention but if he goes back near the corner he pee'd in earlier he gets chased out. Kristi's breast milk pump was in the bag when he wet it  so I really can't just let him do things like that. Anyway, that is currently being sterilized.

You'd never guess I actually do love my little cat would you? I miss having him sleep in our bedroom (but while the baby is sleeping in our room he does not get in with us).

Saw a copy of Psychic Assassin yesterday, which is a movie I've not seen since the 70's. Since it was going for 50p I figured I couldn't not buy it. Watched it this morning and am now working through the rest of the Lone Wolf and Babycart films inbetween helping feed Ash and changing nappies.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12825

« Reply #179 on: March 30, 2018, 02:49:42 PM »

Been after some Jayne Cobb hats for a while now. Today, two of them turned up...

Man walks down the street wearing one of them, everyone is going to know he isn't afraid of anything!

Oh, and these are just for 316Zombie. Since you were worried books were mistreated in my house I thought I should show you these. It isn't quite all our bookshelves, but hopefully it will reassure you that they find a good home with us normally.

« Last Edit: March 30, 2018, 02:59:31 PM by Dark Alex » Logged

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
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