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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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Rev. Powell

Quote from: lester1/2jr on August 29, 2021, 12:24:22 AM
"who started it" is very significant. China is a totalitarian country and they are a threat to us because they don't believe in transparency. If Covid had started in kansas we would have a culprit and determined the cause and so forth

I mean, it is and it isn't significant. You are correct that if it the first outbreak has happened in a free country we could have investigated it much more thoroughly. But, given that China is not very cooperative, there's not much we can do about it. Our public response has to be aimed at the things we can actually control, so complaining about China seems to me just a distraction.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 29, 2021, 10:15:18 AM
Quote from: lester1/2jr on August 29, 2021, 12:24:22 AM
"who started it" is very significant. China is a totalitarian country and they are a threat to us because they don't believe in transparency. If Covid had started in kansas we would have a culprit and determined the cause and so forth

I mean, it is and it isn't significant. You are correct that if it the first outbreak has happened in a free country we could have investigated it much more thoroughly. But, given that China is not very cooperative, there's not much we can do about it. Our public response has to be aimed at the things we can actually control, so complaining about China seems to me just a distraction.

This is a perspective I agree with and espoused last year.  :thumbup:
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


ya know i think if it had started out and was created in China weather it was man made or not man made trump screwed the pooch yet again instead of working with them to finding out the truth he just blamed them for creating it now they are blaming us and honestly i can't say that i blame them either for blaming us

you know what they say about karma i guess. i dunno as i said who to believe anymore to take a guess it's been from different places around the world some of it prolly was from the states and some of it wasn't but this isn't proof i have this is just guess work


Another conservative anti-vaccine radio talk show host succumbs to COVID, third in a month 

A conservative Florida radio host who was dead-set against taking a coronavirus vaccine is now dead.

Marc Bernier died Saturday of COVID-19 after a three-week battle, his bereft radio station announced...   
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


One of my co-workers lost her husband this morning.
And another's wife is in ICU with it.

This sucks.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


The evidence has shown that vaccinated people, even if they get very sick, in all likelihood will live. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


i got into an argument with someone on another site that is dead against it more so thinking along the lines that they make billions from it i said i got mine through work i did not have to play for mine and my parents both did not have to pay for theirs i forget her reply but it felt to me anyways but but but...

honestly that's a site i thought i'd get banned from cause i went off on them and shockingly i didn't swear up a storm which normally i would do lol.
and i'm not saying they aren't making money because of the Vaccines i'm sure they are but the dems at least are smart enough to know that if they want to stay in office their voters have to be alive. to me it this time it doesn't feel like anyone is trying to control you at all not this time around anyways. to me it feels like there's been enough death as it is from covid and the various strains that are around i don't think it's all about money not this time anyways but normally i'd say yes


One thing that hasn't been brought up that I got to thinking about yesterday is the enormous collateral damage from this virus.
I mean, right now there are virtually NO ICU beds anywhere in North Texas.  If I had a stroke or heart attack, or a bad car accident, they might have to transport me out of state just to get a bed, and I might well die in transit.  No telling how many have died of other causes while waiting for medical services from doctors and nurses overwhelmed by the sheer number of severe COVID cases.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

Quote from: indianasmith on August 31, 2021, 06:38:10 AM
One thing that hasn't been brought up that I got to thinking about yesterday is the enormous collateral damage from this virus.
I mean, right now there are virtually NO ICU beds anywhere in North Texas.  If I had a stroke or heart attack, or a bad car accident, they might have to transport me out of state just to get a bed, and I might well die in transit.  No telling how many have died of other causes while waiting for medical services from doctors and nurses overwhelmed by the sheer number of severe COVID cases.

That is actually one of the main concerns, hospitals being overwhelmed, and the reasons for the lockdowns: to avoid situations we saw happen in countries like Italy. Many Americans never figured that out: sure, you might not be likely to get Covid, but what if you have a heart attack and you can't be treated immediately because the hospital is overwhelmed? Public messaging probably should have stressed that factor more than simply making people worry about the virus itself.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


it's funny that you say that and no i'm not saying that is funny at all it clearly isn't it's funny because i was just telling someone that today! i saw today that some dickweed to Quote the bots and Joel from the KTMA years of MSTK3000 died of covid recently  he was 69 and he was part of the  Q which honestly i had never even heard of. this is the 1st case that i've heard about where he was dying of it and still said it was f.... fake and he died from it and his followers/cult?  are blaming the doctors saying  they killed him to say covid is real? or something stupid  like that i swear it should be a crime to be that dumb.

this is a guy that died and i can't find any feeling to feel sorry for him that he died he should be alive yes but if you are that stupid than i just dunno can't say say i am sorry to hear that he died i just can't i don't have it in me not this time


Quote from: pennywise37 on August 31, 2021, 05:55:45 PM
it's funny that you say that and no i'm not saying that is funny at all it clearly isn't it's funny because i was just telling someone that today! i saw today that some dickweed to Quote the bots and Joel from the KTMA years of MSTK3000 died of covid recently  he was 69 and he was part of the  Q which honestly i had never even heard of. this is the 1st case that i've heard about where he was dying of it and still said it was f.... fake and he died from it and his followers/cult?  are blaming the doctors saying  they killed him to say covid is real? or something stupid  like that i swear it should be a crime to be that dumb.

this is a guy that died and i can't find any feeling to feel sorry for him that he died he should be alive yes but if you are that stupid than i just dunno can't say say i am sorry to hear that he died i just can't i don't have it in me not this time

The stupidity of these people is amazing, but not in a good way. There is a idiotic trend on tiktok with unvaxxed greeting the unvaxxed, usually with corny hand sign.

Saying stuff like "stay strong brother/sister" and "we will get through this together" and "never give up the fight." They also say they will use violence to not be vaccinated. It's like something out of a bad b-movie. The cringe and stupid level of these videos is offensive. They paint themselfs as heroic patriotic americans fighting the evil communist system. I like to p**s them off by calling them cosplaytriots in their comments section.
Is it October yet?


good for you i consider them p***y's and also they are Pro Covid cause anyone who acts like that wants to die from Covid if i had relatives that said that garbage as far as i  know i don't i'd tell them off too. hell my 97 year old grandmother had her shots months ago as well she's a crabby old lady but than she's always been that way lol.  ya know i can understand some people not liking needles but even my brother and my niece who both hate needles have had their shots.

they both were glad to do it too. i can fully support people who kick people out of their life if they choose to act worse than a f... 5 year old does when throwing a tantrum and i agree with you 100% why are they so against it? the only thing that is annoying as hell is waiting in line for your turn but than when that is done it does not take long to get it done it's not a big deal.  i think part of it is they want the attention and they want to feel like someone's paying attention to them for once in their miserable lies. this isn't proof just my opinion that's what it really feels like to me anyways. you want covid to f... end and no than stop acting likea damn p***y and get the shots and wear a mask for god's sake.

don't go to big gathering's either. i was at wall mart this morning i did wear my mask i stopped not wearing them in public since things are getting worse again.
and i will say there yes were some people who did not wear masks but i saw more people wearing them than i did last week when i was out  so it's a start.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: claws on August 31, 2021, 09:32:07 PM

Saying stuff like "stay strong brother/sister" and "we will get through this together" and "never give up the fight." They also say they will use violence to not be vaccinated. It's like something out of a bad b-movie. These videos are super cringy and the stupid-level is offensive. They paint themselfs as heroic patriotic americans fighting the evil communist system. I like to p**s them off by calling them cosplaytriots in their comments section.

More cultlike behavior from those who want to believe they're in on secret knowledge and therefore smarter than all the "sheeple" who follow the experts. Sometimes I think the more bizarre and dangerous the belief, the stronger the impulse to believe is for these types. The scary thing is these kinds of belief systems are on the rise; they're even attaining a measure of political power. People want to feel like there is some kind of secret evil cabal running everything; they actually find it more comforting than the alternative---that no one's in control and we're all fumbling through a chaotic universe as best we can.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Rev. Powell

Inexplicably popular unvaxxed weirdo podcaster Joe Rogan got Covid and--of course--is taking veterinary meds for it.

When he survives people will doubtlessly claim that it proves ivermectin works.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


The lady who lost her husband is now in the hospital with COVID pneumonia in both lungs.
And our coach's wife died from it this morning.

I made a post on FB lamenting about how many friends I've buried this year, and simply begged people to get the shot.
And of course the anti-vaxxers and the ivermectin champions have taken over the comments.

I truly hate what America has become these days.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"