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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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i know right that is everyone's dream to not have to even leave the house and get paid for it but it's just a damn shame that it's taking a pademic to have it happen. i was just watching a video on you tube and they said they are now thinking it's gonna last until 2022 man i sure as HELL hope not.  on yahoo news

though i see today that there is an article which i haven't read but the title says that the orange Cheeto as i call him is having tweets he did 3 months ago well they are coming back to bite him in the ass though he no doubt will call it fake news.  there was also a doctor recently that came out and said he is non human and well they are right


I am going to be optimistic and hope that it is over before 2022. I don't think the world economy could cope with it for that long. Not in its current form anyway. Free market economies just aren't built to survive that kind of thing, certainly not in its current form (and I am not just talking about the US there). I've heard everything from May until 2022 myself. My own guess would be September, but that is just a random month my brain has picked and not really based on anything more than a gut feeling. Mostly I am just doing my best to keep the people around me spirit's up while still trying to keep them grounded in reality. No doubt by the end of 3 months I'll be clawing at the door to get out.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


i'm really trying to be optimistic as well and what worries me the most is that if we are back open by July and that's the soonest  i can think of. as it takes awhile for things to open back up etc... what will happen than? will there be infected people out in the world than who weren't before but they are in their houses now and they don't know they are infected?  and will the death toll than rise even higher? how will they know when we are ready to open back up?

and i 100% agree with you that it's not just the USA or hell even the UK it's the planet itself and all trump and his cronies care about is lining their pockets with money instead of helping people who DO in fact need it. you can't take your money with you when you die i don't care who you are you can't do that it's impossible. but they are way to stupid to realize  that with them doing this it shows the public that don't give a damn about anyone but themselves yes we know that but people who are too stupid to realize that may realize it well some of them anyways just might.

like i said before dead people can't vote to keep you in office and i'd love if the evil corporations did go bankrupt they'd frankly deserve it. hell you've seen the film 'The Devil's Avodcate  with Al Pacino sorry for the bad spelling well that's Pacino playing Trump


What bothers me is I see the same phony, discredited claims circulating ad nauseum on FB every day.  This article talks about several of them:
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

Quote from: indianasmith on April 15, 2020, 06:13:18 PM
What bothers me is I see the same phony, discredited claims circulating ad nauseum on FB every day.  This article talks about several of them:

Yes, I also see the claim that the hospitals in New York City are empty.  :lookingup:

I don't respond to this nonsense. It seems that it goes away faster if you don't give it oxygen than if you enter into a debate.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: indianasmith on April 14, 2020, 07:44:05 PM
The chorus of cheers on my FB feed when Trump announced that he is cutting funding for the WHO is truly depressing.
Like all bureaucracies, I am sure that WHO has its share of problems.
But slashing our contribution in the middle of a worldwide pandemic is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard.
I am embarrassed at what the world must think of us!

That's no more embarrassing than to read that our dumb ass "soldiers" in the SA National Defence Force have now killed 9 innocent people during the lock down! They are morons with guns. 
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


the only zombies we have are in Washington  :bouncegiggle:


What I don't understand is why Trumpers- who can see and watch his Tweets and on film, see - with they're own eyes! -him talk s**t and flat out lie to the public...and no- it's not fake news- because there he is doing it- right in front of your face- still believe and follow this lying sack of s**t. They would rather listen to fanatic spinners like Rush Limbaugh and his ilk. Is common sense out of fashion or some sh!t?
Indy is a confirmed Republican. I'm not a confirmed anything- and we agree that he nuttier than a fruitcake.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


that's just insulting fruitcake and that stuff is just plain nasty. i dunno man it's a fxing cult my friend there's nothing else it could be i refuse to even say he's our president at all. on here is one thing but i have a hard time saying it from my mouth.  i think part of it is they watch fox news and believe everything on that i know i did for years but let me add that i don't normally watch the news  so  i just assumed they weren't lying until i started listening to podcast called WTF

and they started talking about how much lying that channel does. well he's one of the most successful conman cause this one actually did get elected to the white house! Nixon was less a crook that cheeto man is  NIXON!


In all seriousness Pennywise, I am going to suggest that if you can, take a few days away from the news and facebook. Everything seems to be about Covid like there is nothing else happening in the world and it can get a bit overwhelming. Give yourself a bit of time without hearing about this 24/7. You sound like you need a bit of breathing space. Take care of yourself.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


we all do my friend. i don't spend the entire night looking for news about it i do other stuff online and i watch a movie or tv show etc...

but i do check up on yahoo news once in a while and most of the articles i don't even read but there's a you tube channel i watch sometimes called ring of fire that talks about it and it's not just that though they talk about.


Quote from: indianasmith on April 15, 2020, 06:13:18 PM
What bothers me is I see the same phony, discredited claims circulating ad nauseum on FB every day.  This article talks about several of them:

This one is not so phony:

Quote6. The death toll is significantly oversold because people with coronavirus might actually die of something else

This theory has been popularized by Fox News analyst Brit Hume and began to spread last week.

Hume has argued that people who had the coronavirus and died might actually have died of other underlying conditions but are being logged as coronavirus deaths. He compared it to someone with prostate cancer dying with the disease rather than of it.

Carlson picked up that ball and ran with it on a show featuring Hume last week, suggesting that a decline in the number of weekly pneumonia deaths suggests some of those deaths are being wrongly blamed on the coronavirus.

A Republican Minnesota state senator who is also a physician appeared on Ingraham's show and advanced a similar argument, suggesting doctors were being overly encouraged to cite coronavirus as a cause of death.

The White House task force itself, though, has rejected the notion that the numbers are being padded. The coronavirus coordinator on the task force, Deborah Birx, noted that when people have underlying conditions and die of the coronavirus, it's because the virus exacerbated the situation.

"Those individuals will have an underlying condition, but that underlying condition did not cause their acute death when it's related to a covid[-19] infection," Birx said. "In fact, it's the opposite."

When you consider that Dr. Birx admitted that they count all deaths where COVID-19 is present in their system as a COVID-19 death even if it has not been determined as the actual cause of death; the difference between dying *with* COVID-19 and dying *of* COVID-19 becomes blurry:

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

That may not raise any red flags here, but it ought to, especially if you are at all concerned about accuracy versus propaganda. New York City has not helped the nation at all by hyping up their death toll with "presumed" deaths. The medical field is supposed to be counted on for its accuracy, not for its probabilities:

QuoteThe latest statistics include probable coronavirus deaths through Monday. And even the new statistics may understate the death toll. Probable deaths were recorded as people who did not have a positive lab test for Covid-19, but did have Covid-19 or something similar listed as the cause of death on their death certificate.

"Behind every death is a friend, a family member, a loved one. We are focused on ensuring that every New Yorker who died because of COVID-19 gets counted," Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot said in a statement. "As a city, it is part of the healing process to be able to grieve and mourn for all those that have passed because of COVID-19. While these data reflect the tragic impact that the virus has had on our city, they will also help us to determine the scale and scope of the epidemic and guide us in our decisions."

The city's death toll has soared so high that morgues have filled, funeral homes have been overwhelmed and burials of unclaimed remains on Hart Island have surged. As of Monday evening, the city tallied 107,263 cases of the coronavirus, with many more undetected because of lack of testing.

People whose death certificates don't mention the virus still are not counted. From March 11 through April 13, 8,184 city residents died of causes not classified as confirmed or probable coronavirus.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


Quote from: lester1/2jr on April 15, 2020, 12:42:04 AM
I wonder if what he's doing isnt trying to get the WHO to pick a new leader, which they should probably do. the current one is well in the pocket of China

The World Health Organization (run by the United Nations) is also deep in the pockets of Bill Gates, who is now the richest man in the world since Amazon's Bezos divorced his wife and gave her half of everything, and who is now the #1 monetary donor to the World Health Organization now that the United States has pulled out of that scam.

QuoteSome billionaires are satisfied with buying themselves an island. Bill Gates got a United Nations health agency in Geneva.

Over the past decade, the world's richest man has become the World Health Organization's second biggest donor, second only to the United States and just above the United Kingdom. This largesse gives him outsized influence over its agenda, one that could grow as the U.S. and the U.K. threaten to cut funding if the agency doesn't make a better investment case.

The result, say his critics, is that Gates' priorities have become the WHO's. Rather than focusing on strengthening health care in poor countries — that would help, in their view, to contain future outbreaks like the Ebola epidemic — the agency spends a disproportionate amount of its resources on projects with the measurable outcomes Gates prefers, such as the effort to eradicate polio.
Concerns about the software billionaire's sway — roughly a quarter of WHO's budget goes toward polio eradication — has led to an effort to rein him in. But he remains a force to be reckoned with, as WHO prepares to elect one of three finalists to lead the organization.

"All of the candidates are going to have to ally with him in some way," said Sophie Harman, associate professor of international politics at Queen Mary University of London. "You can't ignore him."
Evidence of Gates' unprecedented influence abounds in ways subtle and showy.

Already a decade ago, when Gates started throwing money into malaria eradication, top officials — including the chief of the WHO's malaria program — raised concerns that the foundation was distorting research priorities. "The term often used was 'monopolistic philanthropy', the idea that Gates was taking his approach to computers and applying it to the Gates Foundation," said a source close to the WHO board.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


ON a typical day in NYC, 45-50 people die of various causes.
Right now, they are losing over 200 a day.  It's a HUGE spike in the mortality rate, and the vast majority of these people have symptoms that match COVID-19.  They don't have enough tests for the living, much less the dead, and because many of these people are dying at home where they may not be found for several days, there is no way to test them all.

Overall, I think it is statistically much more likely that the death toll is being undercounted than overcounted!   And the thing is, this has all happened in TWO MONTHS.  And the death tolls are still climbing - over 2400 the last two days alone.  This virus isn't going anywhere. I'm just hoping we find a vaccine, and find it FAST. I want to go back to work.  I hate teaching from home, I miss seeing my kids with a fierce ache, but if we reopen to soon we'll see the death toll spike higher and faster than any of us want.

Caution should be the order of the day.  Not panic, not hysteria, but caution, even to the point of excess.
Or we are going to see a LOT more people die.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


you are RIGHT,indy, the death count is way low according to the people i know in the medical community, because autopsies are rarely testing for covid19. and as for people with underlying issues being referred to as covid19 related if the person tested positive, THEY ARE . many people are dying because this disease debilitated their already compromised systems, and if they HADN'T been infected , they'd be alive now.
don't EVEN...EVER!