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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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The second wave is more or less the first wave imo.
yeah no.


yeah but i don't think it's the second wave i think it's still the 1st wave. anyone else think it's the 2nd wave?


Depends. Have you had a lowering of numbers for a sustained period and then an increase. If not, then you are still in the first wave.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


right now they are going up here in ohio, on where i live which is in BFE we are now at a Level 3 and i'm hoping it doesn't get worse than that cause i'm trying to lose weight i don't want to be forced to stay inside the house by law or however that would work? we got enough property that i can walk and not leave it,

so far i've lost like around 15 lbs or so and i plan on losing more. i'm using this pandemic a time to lose the weight i've been putting off for years. since i'm not working what else is there to do ya know? i got to stay busy Somehow so that's what i've been trying to do


You are doing well there then. I was hearing the average person in the US has gained 16 pounds during the pandemic. No idea if that is true or not, but I would expect people to gain weight when they are stuck in the house between less exercise and comfort / boredom eating.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


you would be correct i think there are no doubt a lot of people gaining weight that's not even a question.  but i'm 5'7 or is it 5'6 it's nearly 5:30 am here so bear with me. my heaviest was 217 lbs. when i started this diet i was weighing 212 lbs. at first i did eat quite a bit but honestly i got tired of it cause on how i was thinking this was when things were going fast  from stores not just Toilet Paper my thoughts were i want the food to last and my other thoughts were

when i was working i was eating  way too damn much, when i was working i'd eat too much like 4 of 5 times a day.  and i drank pop and had far too much sugar.

and on how i was thinking since i've been stuck at home i don't have to eat that anymore so i decided we got 15 acres here i believe. i don't know how long i'm gonna be off i've not worked since March. so i looked at myself in the mirror and i decided i needed to lose weight that this is the perfect time to do so, plus another factor was them saying that the Virus was really affecting people who were obese and killing them pretty damn fast.

i don't want to go out like that, if i have my way i want to be in my 90's when i die, so that did scare me actually and so i decided to do something about it
and so every day i grab my ipod and yes i still use one and i do about 10 laps each day.  i even have one of those watches where they count your steps now

and Saturday i ended up walking no joke 3.5 miles and now my weight is around 196 lbs or so. still to fat i think but my goal is to get to at least 150.

i've got back on a lot of stuff, i started to drink a lot of water they say when it's really cold that's good for you so i freeze it in the freezer each night and let it thaw when i take it out. i went from weighing a size 36 which is what i've been at for like 10 years or so and i bought some new shorts recently and some of them are size 33 and some are size 32.  both fit me but it's like shoes man, i can wear an 8,0r 9 or 10 depending on the shoe.

i'm fitting into clothes better and so far i can fit into size XL when i was wearing size XXX before mostly XX but i'm a guy who isn't one of those fat people who like their clothes tight on me that's just disgusting  i think. even my neighbor recently noticed my weight loss actually.

i have to think positive in today's messed up world or else i'm gonna go nuts and with all that's going on these days ya gotta stay sane ya know?

i still got a long way to go but i'm hoping that before Fall it's down way further

Rev. Powell

Good for you on losing weight penny!  :thumbup:
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


The Governor of Louisiana has made it a mandate to wear a mask in public and a lot of people are angry about it. My thought is that some still believes that Covid is a hoax, and others know that they should but wont because the governor is making it a mandate to wear it. I just don't understand the latter.
yeah no.


I would point out though that a 100% infection rate would be an unlikely scenario.

Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Thank You Rev. also did anyone notice that picture that dumb B***h is has a sign that says Plandemic  which goes to show how poorly educated those people are.  why why why is it such a BIG F***Ing  deal about wearing a mask i don't get it why not just shut the hell up and just wear one, when i was a kid i did get into a lot of trouble i'm not gonna lie, but my mom's a Retired RN one thing i knew even as a kid that when it comes to that kind of stuff is i never questioned it

but if a pandemic had happened back when i was a kid and i said why ? she would have told me and i would have said okay and i would have worn a mask. why ? because i wasn't stupid enough not to listen when it came to things like that.  i never tried to fake my temperature  for one thing cause i would have been found out right away for example. these people need someone to tell them and explain to them and some of them may listen but many others won't.

i doubt it's gonna reach 99.99% like in the book "The Stand' i don't think it's gonna get that bad but in the book it's the entire population not just  in the states i don't think. i think we will have a cure before it gets that bad but people are just plain stupid i don't think anyone can understand these people cause not everyone is that damn stupid.  has anyone noticed that  you really haven't seen any kids say NO Mask etc... why? because most kids aren't stupid they pay attention and see what's going on and  if they like me are explained why we need to wear a mask etc.. most of them listen i think.

it's the adults that are have the lower IQ than Forrest Gump in fact Gump is Einstein compared to these people because if he were real he'd put a mask on


There has been a study carried out which points to people who are against wearing masks tending to have cognitive dissonance issues.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


eight of my friends are dead. 4 of them were nurses. 3 more are likely to be disabled for life. my baby sister will have heart issues AND blood clot issues and be on medication for the rest of her life. my niece who works on the covid floor calls me in tears at least once a week because of the people who died, and those that she knows will never truly recover. i am trapped in my home and my husband has to bag up his clothes and disinfect his shoes EVERY NIGHT  in order to protect MY health, and the only reason he is working is because YOU AHOLES WANT A GOD DAMNED HAIRCUT OR YOUR NAILS DONE!!!!  my county is now known nationwide as a hotspot due the douchebags who refuse to wear masks. these same douchebags are willing to risk their children's & family's lives by reopening the schools full time JUST because they're tired of taking care of THEIR OWN CHILDREN.
  and to all of them i say this- don't want to wear a mask? then take your president's advice and drink bleach. off yourself before you kill someone else with your stupidity and callousness, this world doesn't need you, period. GO DIE, DOUCHEBAG, BEFORE YOU KILL ME!  :hatred:
don't EVEN...EVER!


1stly i'm sorry so sorry you've had to suffer that much and i don't think i'm alone here in saying that either. 2ndly i dunno how you did it but you were pretty clean on how ya felt. when i got off on certain sites where i am able to do so i am swearing right and left i really let it  fly. how you held back i dunno how you did it cause i have a feeling you were holding back.

anyways here's more stupidity this article goes to an old saying that is prolly older than all of us here no doubt and that's this person is stuck on stupid to add my 2 cents in i think someone super glued stupid into him or branded  into his skin cause he's just stuck on stupid.

here it is


well get this i prolly already said that i now have one of those watches where you can count your steps and tonight no joke i walked 4.1 miles!  i never in a million years thought i'd ever be walking that. and man i wish my weight would drop even faster it's almost at 20 lbs but not quite yet