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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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nobody here minds that man as long as you don't keep all that in man you are allowed to vent not that i'm giving you permission i just meant that some people keep stuff inside them and never let it out than they wonder why they are just so screwed up? i'm guilty on that on my own accord as well that's all i mean.

my dude Bryon i've known him since (1991) he's the one who royally p**sed me off cause he likes Trump for some reason.... actually i'm a few months older than him i'm September 78 and he's Feb. 79 but leaving politics out of it me & him if you saw us together 1. you'd be laughing your ass off cause we are like the marx bros. pretty much cause we are always goofing on each other and 2. you also will wonder why me & him are even friends? cause me and him are so vastly different
and he's been asked why are you friends with him? and he's said i dunno i don't get mad at that cause me and him have never figured that out either.

he's also a guy i don't tell everything either cause i know what he'd say and he's prolly more blunt than anyone on this board no joke and when you want to hear from certain things you don't want it thrown back at you in your face in the way he would put it because that's now healthy i don't think tells it like it is. i mean i am blunt but i'm not nearly as blunt as he is. so that's why i don't tell him everything, anyways 58? that's not that old and i've never thought that either even as a kid.


I guess the second wave arrived in Germany with daily 1,000+ new corona infections. Time to stock up again.


now it's Dr. Pepper people are hoarding my question is uh WHY exactly?  just like why were people hoarding toilet paper ? we got lucky that we ended up buying enough but we didn't hoard it though and really Germany gee i wonder if it's them trying to get trump out of office even though he's got nothing to do with Germany at all


What's heating up my water now is that all these people with JDs, MDs, or PhDs from Facebook University are passing along every dumbass theory they can think of or making up all sorts of crap.  The local idiots here have seized on how the Applebee's hostess asking to see the doctor's note that exempts them from mask wearing is somehow a violation of HIPPA.

I'm just tired of all these armchair types claiming they're experts in law, medicine, or science.  Some of my classmates had to leave school to go back to their day jobs as medical professionals to take care of all the patients that flooded the system.  And we get bulls**t like this?  These f**kers need to give us a f**king break already and crawl back under whatever rocks they came out of.
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.


well said, my mom wants to get a dog and i still live at home for the time being she's a Retired RN and while i'm not a dog person or really an animal person i keep trying to tell her that while the dog is a puppy i don't want to get sick from the dog it's not worth and can she wait until the pandemic is over? i don't think it's going be around in 5 years for example.

i told her you always tell me to wait when i want to get certain things cause i can get carried at at times spending money, i'm single i don't have a family of my own so i don't have to worry about that and i don't the bills like most people have here for example. yet she's rushing to get a freaking dog, i said the woman who is selling it you you may have the virus and not even know it nor have the symptoms you are a nurse you should know this...  i said i don't want to get sick from the dog it's just not worth it we have a pandemic going on now and people are doing can you NOT wait? but i might as well be speaking to a deaf mute cause she's not listening and if i get sick the 1st thing i'm doing is going off on her i don't care if she's my mother or not she will fxing  deserve it.


Quote from: pennywise37 on August 13, 2020, 10:02:27 PM
well said, my mom wants to get a dog and i still live at home for the time being she's a Retired RN and while i'm not a dog person or really an animal person i keep trying to tell her that while the dog is a puppy i don't want to get sick from the dog it's not worth and can she wait until the pandemic is over? i don't think it's going be around in 5 years for example.

i told her you always tell me to wait when i want to get certain things cause i can get carried at at times spending money, i'm single i don't have a family of my own so i don't have to worry about that and i don't the bills like most people have here for example. yet she's rushing to get a freaking dog, i said the woman who is selling it you you may have the virus and not even know it nor have the symptoms you are a nurse you should know this...  i said i don't want to get sick from the dog it's just not worth it we have a pandemic going on now and people are doing can you NOT wait? but i might as well be speaking to a deaf mute cause she's not listening and if i get sick the 1st thing i'm doing is going off on her i don't care if she's my mother or not she will fxing  deserve it.

I hope she puts you on the street. You live with your mom at your age and you boast about going off on her because she wants to buy herself a dog? Like it's your business what she does with her money and her life? Do you really listen to yourself? Move out and take control of your life and don't get a dog if you don't want one. Do your mom a favor. My God what's wrong with you?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


i live with them cause for one thing it's hard to find a place to live these days and with the pandemic going on, what's wrong with me? i want to live that's all
i also don't have the money to move out as i'm currently not working anyways so i'd be out on the street and returning home anyways the way things currently are.


i'm also a client at a workshop and it's very difficult to even get on a list to get my own place as well. i've had a i don't give a f... since i was 19 and until i have a reason and i haven't had any reason that's how i am. it's just who i am i also said that if i get sick cause she bought a dog if i don't get sick than  i don't need to tell her off. also i'm terrified of getting this virus now i don't spend my days thinking about it 24/7 cause that's not living but somethings in life just aren't worth dong especially if it can get you killed and this is one of them well a potential to be one anyways

and if i can prevent from having i take it that's all it's self preservation man it's surviving that's how i look at it anyways


Quote from: ER on August 13, 2020, 10:49:56 PM

I hope she puts you on the street. You live with your mom at your age and you boast about going off on her because she wants to buy herself a dog? Like it's your business what she does with her money and her life? Do you really listen to yourself? Move out and take control of your life and don't get a dog if you don't want one. Do your mom a favor. My God what's wrong with you?

Clearly there are underlying conditions at work here.  IOW yes, this individual may have difficulties that make life even more challenging than we know.  The neurolgically 'normal' among us are likely to see that as something wrong with them and their behaviour.

Pennywise you are not going to get COVID-19 from a dog.  Aside from that I hope you are just venting in this safe place.
"May I offer you a Peek Frean?" - Walter Bishop
"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch


Newt makes a very good point there. While humans have given it to cats in a few instances (although for some reason it doesn't seem to travel the other way around, I have no idea why) there are as far as I've heard no cases of dogs causing humans to get infected.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Quote from: Newt on August 14, 2020, 06:42:20 AM
Quote from: ER on August 13, 2020, 10:49:56 PM

I hope she puts you on the street. You live with your mom at your age and you boast about going off on her because she wants to buy herself a dog? Like it's your business what she does with her money and her life? Do you really listen to yourself? Move out and take control of your life and don't get a dog if you don't want one. Do your mom a favor. My God what's wrong with you?

Clearly there are underlying conditions at work here.  IOW yes, this individual may have difficulties that make life even more challenging than we know.  The neurolgically 'normal' among us are likely to see that as something wrong with them and their behaviour.

Pennywise you are not going to get COVID-19 from a dog.  Aside from that I hope you are just venting in this safe place.

Why, dear Newt, for once we agree! One would have to be neurologically abnormal to boast of planning ahead of time to go off on one's mother, especially since she is supporting the adult person in question, and is, uh, his mother.

pennywise, all Kroger's in your state are hiring baggers and stocking people for the in-home delivery service. Union job, all the overtime you need, start immediately. There, job problem solved! Welcome to gainful employment and a ticket out of your evil mom's house!

(How about being grateful you not only have a mother, but that she works to take care of you? Little appreciation? Little respect? Little basic decency?)

What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: Newt on August 14, 2020, 06:42:20 AM
...  The neurologically 'normal' among us are likely to see that as something wrong with them and their behaviour.

Correction:  the term I was looking for is "neuro-typical".  I blanked on it when composing that post and resorted to approximating it.  Which made it inaccurate and potentially offensive.  My apologies!
"May I offer you a Peek Frean?" - Walter Bishop
"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch


Quote from: pennywise37 on August 13, 2020, 05:07:57 PM
now it's Dr. Pepper people are hoarding my question is uh WHY exactly?  just like why were people hoarding toilet paper ? we got lucky that we ended up buying enough but we didn't hoard it though and really Germany gee i wonder if it's them trying to get trump out of office even though he's got nothing to do with Germany at all

If you drink Dr. Pepper, own a Keurig machine or even drink out of one at work, or if you love Krispy Kreme donuts, then you are Nazi scum.

QuoteThe family that owns well-known consumer brands like Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Keurig, Dr. Pepper and Panera Bread say their Nazi ancestors used slave labor during World War II.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


One of my  arrowhead hunting buddies just announced on FB that he's been fighting COVID-19 for a week now.
He called the virus "the spawn of Satan" and said it is the absolute worst sickness he's ever had in his 61 years!
I hope he pulls through.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Jim H

Quote from: zelmo73 on August 16, 2020, 04:24:43 PM
Quote from: pennywise37 on August 13, 2020, 05:07:57 PM
now it's Dr. Pepper people are hoarding my question is uh WHY exactly?  just like why were people hoarding toilet paper ? we got lucky that we ended up buying enough but we didn't hoard it though and really Germany gee i wonder if it's them trying to get trump out of office even though he's got nothing to do with Germany at all

If you drink Dr. Pepper, own a Keurig machine or even drink out of one at work, or if you love Krispy Kreme donuts, then you are Nazi scum.

QuoteThe family that owns well-known consumer brands like Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Keurig, Dr. Pepper and Panera Bread say their Nazi ancestors used slave labor during World War II.

That can be a fun game to play, especially with all the multinational mergers and buyouts that have happened throughout Europe. 

Even more broadly, you can also fairly reasonably declare someone supports child slavery if they own a smartphone or laptop, as the supply of cobalt and other minerals is sourced in ways that can't reliably be separated from slave suppliers.  It's a valuable lesson for people seeking or claiming moral perfection I think.