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COVID-19 Rant

Started by indianasmith, March 11, 2020, 10:13:00 PM

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did you know that he was headed to i think Michigan which apparently is is the most infected for one of his rally but than he got sick and THANK GOD he didn't go it would have made it so much worse. the thing is if he does die we get stuck with Casper The friendly Ghost who i have a feeling is so much worse cause he's got a brain in his head and can actually get sh*t done and it won't be to help anyone but himself and his hoodlum rich billionaires.  that's not the word i was looking for but close enough that's why i said that about Trump.


I Kinda understand your typing. I like you-type so I can understand what your saying. Use periods and commas. I like you! Just type better. Your not stupid. It's not real hard.

(that picture of Lon Chaney Jr. has not a thing what we were talking about.)
Actually -what am I talking about?
I'm f**ked up as a can of worms even when I'm sober.
Oh yeah!
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


i've never been good at that kind of stuff you aren't the 1st person to tell me that and i do try my best which is another reason why i don't think i'll be writing a book anytime soon,  i used to try and write novels but i could only go so far and it's just not in me to write a novel well good anyways.

my forte i guess is poetry and even than i'm never sure if i put a period or a comma in the right places all i can do is just hope for the best ya know?


I'm sorry I went apes**t on your spelling skills.
Somebody slap me in the face and bring me back to reality!  :bluesad:
I really am sorry.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Quote from: pennywise37 on October 03, 2020, 11:14:54 PM
did you know that he was headed to i think Michigan which apparently is is the most infected for one of his rally but than he got sick and THANK GOD he didn't go it would have made it so much worse. the thing is if he does die we get stuck with Casper The friendly Ghost who i have a feeling is so much worse cause he's got a brain in his head and can actually get sh*t done and it won't be to help anyone but himself and his hoodlum rich billionaires.  that's not the word i was looking for but close enough that's why i said that about Trump.

He has been in Michigan.

I was at Walgreens filling a prescription and some shmuck was told to put a mask on- they even offered him one- and he went apes**t.  WHY? It's so simple.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Saw yesterday that Donnie went out for a photo op, putting others at risk. Everyday I'm floored at his recklessness.
yeah no.


Quote from: RCMerchant on October 03, 2020, 11:39:42 PM

(that picture of Lon Chaney Jr. has not a thing what we were talking about.)
Actually -what am I talking about?

lol  :bouncegiggle: what movie is that from, Bela?
Gilligan's island, Goonies and Godzilla information booth here!


That's 6 years before the WOLF MAN and 5 before the role that made him a star- OF MICE AND MEN.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


RC i'm not mad don't worry you asked with respect & that's how i took it too. when someone asks respectful i answer it that way or i just ignore their rudeness and just answer with respect anyways. & as for Trump leaving the hospital after only 3 days i don't think i've ever met anyone in my entire life who's this stupid as he is. hell i saw only that Jr wants to do a intervention on him cause he's doing stupid stuff, uh a bit late for that ain't it Jr? 

if anyone out there who is handicapped with the IQ of -3 if that is even possible is out there even they would stay in the hospital. and him going out to wave to his cult it's just his ego is so f..... Huge that he can't  at anytime listen to his doctors who i'm guessing he didn't listen to or they were paid extra to let him leave. even though mild or not Tom Hanks was Mild & though his Lovely Wife Rita had a more severe batch of it he was still in Quarantine  for quite awhile not just 3 days.

why? cause he's a smart man & listened to the doctors & well Trump is a guy that said well you just got  to rake the forest & how trees that are hundreds of years old just catch on fire or some BS that he said. ya know i don't think there has anyone in this lifetime or in the past has ever been this stupid as far as i know?

can anyone correct me?


My impression, from watching Trump's shenanigans, is this.

He probably left the hospital against medical advice, and is probably sicker than is being let on.  He is obviously laboring to breathe and he was not admitted for long enough, by the usual practices.
I was a hospitalist just up until a few years ago.  I've seen how people can be.    He got sick and his handlers managed to bulldog him into being admitted, but he refused to stay -- he wouldn't have gone in if he wasn't worried and not feeling well, because that just makes him look weak to the world, which he hates.  So I don't think it was an overly cautious hospital admit that then lead to a too-sudden discharge.

More likely is that he should still be in the hospital but refused to stay longer.  (I wonder how much autonomy a sitting US president has to leave against medical advice.  I presume that he can.)    I've seen how military and governmental doctors can act with VIP treatment plans -- these kinds of people can get irrationally over-treated, on the illogical pretense that it's better to over-aggressively treat public figures and other "important" people.  (As if the non-famous among us are not important.)     So Trump got admitted, got over-treated, and then left AMA is my summary guess.

He's on dexamethasone which is going to make him sleep worse, be more energetic and irritable.  If he's diabetic or on stimulants or what have you, he'll feel even worse and may behave even less at some kind of rational baseline.

Going to be an interesting week here in the US, for sure, and we've had plenty of interesting weeks already.


or it cold be that covid is weakening. lots of college students coming back to school have tested positive and virtually none of them even required hospitalization.  these things do run their course

Jim H

Quote from: lester1/2jr on October 06, 2020, 12:12:47 PM
or it cold be that covid is weakening. lots of college students coming back to school have tested positive and virtually none of them even required hospitalization.  these things do run their course

Not super likely, in this particular case.  Corona viruses mutate relatively slowly, they're not like the flu - which is good and bad, really, as viruses can mutate to be worse and they can mutate to be less severe.  It also means the vaccines will probably be even more helpful than they are against flu. 

You can also look at the new cases VS new deaths and it looks to be fairly stable relative to age groups.  Young and healthy people usually recovered well at the beginning, and they still do now.


i was watching hmm i forget who was it last night that said that it  said it like this the 1st week they felt sick the 2nd one if they get better they feel great and the third week their immune system gets a kick in the ass cause the virus kicks into high gear and that's when you die, my apologies for getting it wrong if i did.

we do have a man child as a president who throws a tantrum when he finds out nobody likes him. there was something else i wanted to say but i for the life of me cannot remember what it was,  but i do think he's still sick yet he yeah i agree thinks that if he's in it's a sign of weakness to his cult even though he's nothing but weakness & couldn't even lead a Preschooler  to the bathroom without failing even that. he's also the type that thinks that going even taking tylenol for a headache is a sign of weakness sorry for the crap spelling.

did you see that he said the checks i forget what they are called cause it's just one of those days where Trump said it will have to wait until after the election, than the stocks started to go down. hmmm i wonder why? what is more important to people them keeping their home or him staying in office? well to him that's a given staying in office but he could care less anyways but to everyone who isn't rich like him we care about those oh it came to me those Stimulus checks


Our tiny little church has shut down completely again because of COVID - we have 12 cases in a congregation of 50!
Looks like my wife and I dodged the bullet, but a lot of our friends are sick right now.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"

Rev. Powell

I still don't personally know anyone who's contracted it, but I do know someone who lost an uncle and aunt to it.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...