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Author Topic: Create an AI generated bad movie story  (Read 14651 times)
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 0
Posts: 30779

"Charlie,we're in HELL!"-"yeah,ain't it groovy?!"

« Reply #75 on: March 04, 2022, 12:08:53 PM »

^Now there's a cartoon for the kids!  Thumbup

Guts and Larry Fine

"Larry Fine is a tough guy. He's not afraid to fight for what he believes in, and he's not afraid to take risks. That's why he was so surprised when he decided to take on the fight with the man who ruined his life."

In real life, Larry was a boxer before he was a stooge!  Buggedout

"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 0
Posts: 8774

Occidentali's Karma

« Reply #76 on: March 04, 2022, 12:44:30 PM »

vegan, zombie

Diane was vegan and zombie-free, and she was so happy. She'd been looking for a way to be able to eat meat, but it was all so difficult. She thought of all the animals that had to go through died in their production process, and it made her so angry. She was so happy to have found a way to be vegan and not be impacted by their deaths.

Is it October yet?
Uncle Zombie and Eminent Poo Person
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 2131
Posts: 22895

« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2022, 01:47:41 PM »

underwear and Trevor

Trevor had been looking for a new pair of underwear for a while now, but he just couldn't seem to find any that he liked. He had a few favorites, but they just didn't do it for him. He was about to give up when he stumbled upon a pair of underwear that he had never even heard of before. They were called "Underwear by Trevor". He decided to give them a try and was really impressed. They were really comfortable and looked great. He was so happy with them that he decided to buy them.

LMAO  BounceGiggle BounceGiggle

I know I can make it on my own if I try, but I'm searching for the Great Heart
To stand me by, underneath the African sky
A Great Heart to stand me by.
I survived Bucky Larson
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 737
Posts: 9042

Torgo watches you masterbate!

« Reply #78 on: March 04, 2022, 08:19:42 PM »

whales and Torgo

The whales were huge, their color a deep blue. Torgo was their captain and he led them in the hunt for the seals. The whales were huge, their color a deep blue. Torgo was their captain and he led them in the hunt for the seals.


Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
I survived Bucky Larson
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 737
Posts: 9042

Torgo watches you masterbate!

« Reply #79 on: March 05, 2022, 09:30:47 PM »

dancing and underwear

Dancing was always one of my favorite things to do. I loved the way it made my body feel, the way it made my heart race. I loved the way it made me feel when I was with someone I loved. But today, something was different. Something was wrong. I could feel my heart racing, and my body was tingling, but I couldn't feel my feet. I didn't have any underwear on. I looked down, and there was nothing there. I was sure I had put them on when I left the house, but now they were gone. I had no way of telling if I had danced all day, or if I had just lost them. I didn't know what to do.

ballet and zombie

The ballet teacher had always warned them about the zombies. But even she didn't know what to make of them. They moved like the dead, and their eyes were bright and empty. They looked like the things that haunted movies and books. But the teachers had been taught to believe in the stories, to believe that the zombies were only a figment of imagination. And so they didn't pay attention when the zombies started walking towards them.

coffin and ducks

Sarah was feeling down about her job and the economy when she decided to go buy a duck for her son. She got a great price on a duck that was in a coffin. Sarah was surprised by how beautiful the duck was and how happy she was to have found it.

witches and camel

The witch was a beautiful woman, with long, golden hair that cascaded down her back. She was also a witch, and she knew all about camel. She had seen camel in the market, and she knew that it was a very strange animal. She knew that it was not meant to be eaten, and she knew that it was not meant to be ridden. She knew that it was something special, and she knew that it was something that should not be taken lightly.


Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 0
Posts: 8774

Occidentali's Karma

« Reply #80 on: March 06, 2022, 12:45:02 AM »

witchcraft, Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was a powerful figure in the world of music and entertainment. He was known for his innovative and groundbreaking music, and his powerful presence helped to keep the industry afloat. However, some people found it strange that he was a witch. Some believe that he was able to do magic with his hands, and that he was in league with the dark side.

abortion, Disney

The theme of Disney is often about the introduction of new characters and the adventures they take on. This particular story takes place in the world of abortion, where a young girl named Lillie is taken from her mother during an early abortion. Lillie is able to find her way in the world, even though she is constantly surrounded by people who think she is a mistake. She is able to find a place for herself, and learns that there is more to life than just being a baby.

twitter, Werwolf

Werwolves are a type of wolf that can transform into a human. They are often killed by humans, but some are able to find a way to live among us. Twitter is one of these Werwolf's, and he uses it to communicate with the humans around him.

Is it October yet?
Dr. Whom
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 116
Posts: 1610

Cthulhu for president! Why choose the lesser evil?

« Reply #81 on: March 06, 2022, 03:13:25 AM »

base and moon

The moon was new to the Solar System, and it felt strange to be on it. The planets and moons had been around for centuries, and the sun had been around for thousands of years. But the moon was different. It was new, and it was strange.

moon and base

The moon is a beautiful, bright object in the sky. Some people think it's a cool place to go on vacations, while others think it's a place where people can be killed. No one really knows for sure.


"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12828

« Reply #82 on: March 06, 2022, 04:27:09 AM »

Powertool & Mickey Mouse.

The powertool was a sizable, intimidating piece of equipment. It was perched on the workbench like a giant, metal claw, its long, sharp edges a menacing sight. But it wasn't just the tool itself that was intimidating. The person wielding it was. Mickey Mouse.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
I survived Bucky Larson
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 737
Posts: 9042

Torgo watches you masterbate!

« Reply #83 on: March 06, 2022, 12:28:09 PM »

zebra and killer tree

Zebra and her brother, Mango, had been playing in the forest for hours when they came across a Killer Tree. The tree was huge, with a long, sharp bark. Zebra was hesitant to try and climb up its trunk, but her brother urged her to do it. Zebra was hesitant, but her brother was persistent. Finally, Zebra gave in and climbed up the tree. Once she was up, she couldn't get down. The tree began to chop at her clothes, so Zebra started to scream. But then she saw the tree's eyes. The eyes of the Killer Tree were black and terrible.


Kubrick, Nolan, Tarantino, Wan, Iñárritu, Scorsese, Chaplin, Abrams, Wes Anderson, Gilliam, Kurosawa - the elite

I believe in the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 0
Posts: 8774

Occidentali's Karma

« Reply #84 on: March 06, 2022, 02:36:41 PM »

crocodile, O.J. Simpson

The world was watching as O.J. Simpson walked out of his Bronco and into a waiting ambulance. The media was in full gear, trying to get a good angle on every move he made. They wanted to know who did it and why. O.J. had a hard time answering that question. He felt like he was the only one who could know the answer.

Ewok, Hulk Hogan

The Hulk had been through a lot lately. He was sick, he was battered, and he was feeling down. But then he saw the ewok. For a split second he was sure that the ewok was going to attack him, but then he realized that the ewok was just looking at him. The Hulk was taken aback by the sudden change in behavior, but then he realized that the ewok probably just wanted to share a moment with him.

Is it October yet?
Dr. Whom
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 116
Posts: 1610

Cthulhu for president! Why choose the lesser evil?

« Reply #85 on: March 07, 2022, 02:04:13 AM »

Pigs and Space

Jenny was the last pig on the farm. She was the smallest and most feeble. But she was the most special pig. She was the only pig who could go to space. The other pigs didn't believe in space. They said that it was only a place for animals to be put in. But Jenny was different. She believed in space. She said that it was a place where you could go and see the stars. So the other pigs decided to put her in a crate in the barn. They didn't want her to go to space. But Jenny was determined. She wanted to see the stars. She was so determined that she started to cry. But eventually, she got over her concern and started to run around the barn. She was so happy that she didn't even care that the other pigs were laughing at her.She was just happy to be going to space.

Space and Pigs

The space between the galaxies was vast. It was so vast, in fact, that it was almost impossible to see. But John could see it, all the way to the edge of the universe. He could see the vast expanse of nothing, and he could see the vast, black void that was the place where the galaxies met.

A marked lack of pigs in the second, unless John is a pig.

"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1567
Posts: 12828

« Reply #86 on: March 07, 2022, 02:26:47 AM »

I randomly wondered who would win in a fight between Jason Vorhees and the Terminator.

Jason was the last thing on his mind as he walked into the school, but he found himself face to face with Terminator. The Terminator was ready for him, and Jason knew it. He tried to run, but the Terminator was too fast. It grabbed him by the hair and yanked him close. Jason cried out, but it only served to make the Terminator stronger. It finally let go of him and he staggered back, gasping for breath. It was then that Jason realized he was unarmed. He had no hope of beating the Terminator if he was unarmed. He turned and ran the other way, but the Terminator was after him. It was faster than him, and Jason didn't have a chance.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 0
Posts: 8774

Occidentali's Karma

« Reply #87 on: March 08, 2022, 06:32:03 AM »

nutella, King Kong

There's something about Nutella that just makes the world seem a little bit better. Maybe it's the way the chocolate and hazelnut flavors mix together, or the way it's always so smooth and creamy. No matter what, Nutella always seems to make people happy. Even King Kong was a fan. When he wasn't terrorizing New York City, he would often be found eating Nutella straight out of the jar. He loved the way it made him feel, and he always looked forward to his next Nutella fix.

Burger King, devil

I was feeling pretty low that day, so I decided to go to Burger King and get a Whopper. I was standing in line, and I saw the devil. He was wearing a Burger King uniform and he was holding a Whopper. He looked at me and smiled, and I knew that he was going to tempt me.

flying, David Hasselhoff

David Hasselhoff was flying. He was up in the sky, soaring above the clouds. He felt free and weightless, like he could go wherever he wanted. He smiled and spread his arms wide, reveling in the feeling of flying.

Is it October yet?
Dr. Whom
Frightening Fanatic of Horrible Cinema

Karma: 116
Posts: 1610

Cthulhu for president! Why choose the lesser evil?

« Reply #88 on: March 09, 2022, 02:01:52 AM »

Batman and Onion

Bruce Wayne was in his Batcave, getting ready for another night of crimefighting. He had just put on his costume and was about to head out when he heard a voice in his head. "Onion," the voice said. "You need to eat an onion tonight." Wayne was confused, but he decided to follow the voice's advice. He went to the grocery store and bought an onion. When he got back to the Batcave, he cut the onion and ate it. Suddenly, he felt a surge of energy. He felt stronger and more powerful than ever. He knew he could take on any villain that came his way. He headed out into the night, ready to fight crime and protect the people of Gotham City.

"Once you get past a certain threshold, everyone's problems are the same: fortifying your island and hiding the heat signature from your fusion reactor."

Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! ... Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 0
Posts: 30779

"Charlie,we're in HELL!"-"yeah,ain't it groovy?!"

« Reply #89 on: March 09, 2022, 09:06:43 AM »

Powertool & Mickey Mouse.

The powertool was a sizable, intimidating piece of equipment. It was perched on the workbench like a giant, metal claw, its long, sharp edges a menacing sight. But it wasn't just the tool itself that was intimidating. The person wielding it was. Mickey Mouse.

Yes, that would scare the sh!t out of me.

"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."

Slobber, Drool, Drip!
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