Rated PG-13
| Copyright 1987 New Line Cinema
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Kaz - Good guy at heart who is cursed with turning into a demon whenever, ahm, aroused.
- Denny - Pretty blonde with the worst luck in men, she falls head over heels in love with Kaz of course.
- Sonia - Denny's oversexed friend.
- Fixer - Street psychic who understands Kaz's problem.
- Phil Janus - Detective trying to solve "The Mangler" murder case. Seems he porked Sonia once or twice.
- Charles - COMPLETE DORK. He is also "The Mangler" and cursed like Kaz is. Stabbed with a demon killing knife and explodes.
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I'm dedicating this one for Valentine's Day, can't say I didn't enjoy the soundtrack though. The 80's were good for something besides sex it seems... (Thank goodness, I was in high school and there are only minor amounts of that flying around.) ...and that's bad movies! What a fine piece of work a film is when some guy sprouts horns and wings when a girl bounces by sans bra. Poor Denny is cursed, she always manages to pick up scum bags - big deal sister we're all bums - and her last boyfriend stole everything. So she runs into Kaz, who is a bum, and turns into a monster upon arousal. He's such a nice guy and it is what's inside that counts. (Hehehehe!) These two goofballs fall in love after she feeds him a "fruitburger," he spends half the film calling her that too. "Hey Fruitburger wanna take a shower?" Great line, classic. While trying to deal with the fact that Kaz transforms into something disgusting every time they attempt intimacy there's another problem - the Mangler. Seems that women are being attacked and Kaz is afraid he's doing it during his transformations. Charles is the demon to blame, along with being a COMPLETE STEREOTYPED DORK he's also a Pzotossesky (You listen to them say it a few times and then get critical about my spelling.) like Kaz. Except he's a violent one with full control over the curse. So those two fight it out on top a castle, in Central Park, to see who gets the girl. This was a pretty fun film, especially the totally random guy who burps, expires, and falls face down in the plate of health food muck he was eating. Not a first date movie, get a relationship going first or you'll end up single again. |
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- When your boyfriend steals all the furniture it's fairly safe to say the relationship is over.
- New York subway trains change colors and tracks.
- Never make eye contact with a dork.
- Health food puree will kill you.
- Fruit burgers are NASTY.
- Glass doorknobs make cheap crystal balls.
- Curio shops stock genuine demon slaying daggers.
- Satan hates chocolate.
- Your mother's head is full of mustard. (Not explaining that one.)
- Climbing a ladder in tight jeans is difficult.
- There is a GIANT MEDIEVAL CASTLE in the middle of Central Park, NYC.
- 5 mins - Gads I hate these guys. Go play your saxophone on some other train you bum!
- 14 mins - No clothes your size in the store or is this the 80's?
- 28 mins - Two second rule at work.
- 39 mins - ROWL!
- 40 mins - His ear just sucked into his head!
- 42 mins - Thought he was going to say "herpes" didn't you?
- 55 mins - Go on, kiss him, it's only a mild case of possession.
- 60 mins - Clean your face.
- 68 mins - Door's locked. Hehehehehe!
- Ending Credits - There was a part called "Frumpy Woman?"
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| File | Dialog |  | demonlover1.wav
| Denny: "Chip and I have been seeing each other almost two months! That's practically a relationship. You can't have him arrested it'll ruin everything!"
|  | demonlover2.wav
| Fixer: "You didn't go and do something stupid I hope? You didn't go and fall in love?"
|  | demonlover3.wav
| Fixer: "Can't you see I'm busy? You can't take it, go back to Jersey!"
|  | demonlover4.wav
| Kaz: "Wait, wait, if I'm possessed." Fixer: "Pzotossed!" Kaz: "Whatever, how come this only shows up when I get horny?"
|  | Theme Song | Listen to a clip from the soundtrack. | |
| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
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