Rated R
| Copyright 1982 Z Films Inc.
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Margaret - Freaky fashion model. It's her sexual partners that the aliens kill off. Vaporized in the end.
- Adrian - Another psycho woman and Margaret's lover. She likes to make up songs about everything and they're none to easy on he ears. Dissolved by the aliens.
- Jimmy - Supposedly a dude (Played by the same girl as Margaret actually.) who hates Margaret. Dissolved by the aliens.
- Johann - German scientist who has been studying the aliens. Stabbed by Margaret.
- Sylvia - Jimmy's undersexed mom.
- Owen - Margaret's old professor who has spent some time in the sack with her. Has a glass pipette stuck through his head.
- Paul - Heroin addict. Gets the old glass pipette through the head then dissolves.
- The Aliens - Little guys who look like irritated eyeballs, they feed on heroin and a chemical produced in the human brain during orgasm.
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Few movies are specifically tailored for appeal to those on controlled substances, here's one film though. Heralded as a great work in science fiction and so on... ...well, my ass. There is no damn way this thing sits alongside Alien, Bladerunner, or The Thing. What you have is a great number of lifeless and disturbed people having sex with Margaret then dying. Aliens come to Earth looking for heroin but find that the chemicals produced by human brains during orgasm are even better. So they park their flying saucer, it's about two feet wide, on top Margaret's apartment and begin killing everyone who has sex with her. Then we have a barely understandable German scientist who is studying the aliens, at least he describes the plot to us. Throw in a crazy girlfriend and a few other weirdos to fill gaps. Margaret finally goes completely bonkers, it's difficult to find that special someone when everybody you sleep with dies, and gets vaporized. In addition, her face is always covered with smudged makeup, probably to disguise that the actress played Jimmy as well. My main problem with this movie wasn't that there are aliens. Nor that these aliens were after heroin or human brains. You just have all these dysfunctional relationships between the characters and nobody ever goes postal. Even talking to most of these people would be like getting beaten in the head with a sock full of quarters. |
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- Aliens are best represented by something which belongs in an eyedrop ad.
- Microphones make handy stethoscopes.
- Philosophy is less convincing when dispensed by a heroin addict.
- Telescopes are equipped with crosshairs. (Shoot the moon you say?)
- Some women take pride in being told they dress like a hooker.
- Junkies often mistake German scientists for police officers.
- The brain produces a chemical that tastes just like heroin during orgasm.
- Having your toes stomped doesn't hurt.
- A dozen people screaming at you to have an orgasm can be distracting.
- Don't have sex with someone if their partners mysteriously dissolve.
- 3 mins - Is that a flying saucer or two light covers?
- 11 mins - Hey Adrian, shut the hell up! Do you make enough money to eat singing like that?
- 24 mins - What sort of goofy alien tracking telescope is that?
- 26 mins - Whoa! The "C" word! And I don't mean communist, try "see you next Tuesday." (Think about it.)
- 44 mins - Glass pippette through the brain huh? Yeah, we get that around here.
- 48 mins - Any particular reason you're sitting on a dead man's face Adrian?
- 58 mins - She's half your size Johann, kick her ass - good grief.
- 63 mins - Another guy died on top of you Margaret? Maybe you should get that thing checked.
- 84 mins - Why are you all looking for the body? You watched the um, guy I think, dissolve.
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| File | Dialog |  | liquidsky1.wav
| Margaret: "Whether or not I like someone doesn't depend on what kind of genitals they have."
|  | liquidsky2.wav
| Adrian: "Margaret is an uptight WASP c**t (Word bleeped here, even I don't throw this one around.) from Connecticut."
|  | liquidsky3.wav
| Johann: "The most interesting fact we've found, these killings occured during sexual intercourse."
|  | liquidsky4.wav
| Johann explaining to Margaret about aliens, heroin, and orgasms.
|  | Theme Song | Listen to a clip from the soundtrack. | |
| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
 | liquidsky1.mpg
- 1.6m
Owen and Margaret were going to town when he became more lifeless than normal. Why does having a probe stuck into your brain kill you anyway? Wouldn't it just give some people a lobotomy?
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