Rated R
| Copyright 1983 Film Ventures.
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Josh and Mike Cameron - Two city folk looking for rest and relaxation. Mike's the younger and he get's chomped early on.
- Sheriff Will Stewart - Drunk law enforcement. (Geez, are there any sober cops?)
- Holly Pierce - School teacher and barmaid, what a combo huh?
- Dr. Myra Tate - Local doctor who thinks something must be wrong in this little town...
- Albert - Violent local, this guy is a total asshole.
- Mrs. Mapes - Innkeeper who is feeding travelers to her vampire daughter.
- Billy - Holly's star student, tastes like chicken to mutants.
- The Mutants - People changed into vampires by toxic waste. They develop caustic sores in their palms to suck blood.
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Boring and stupid, half of the time it's too dark to see anything! I had seen this years ago as a kid and found it pretty scary - AT THAT TIME I WAS A COMPLETE MORON. Again I tell you that it's usually too dark to see anything, if you're going to produce a bad film at least provide lighting since film is a visual medium. Add to this a script involving people turning into vampires (Which suck blood through holes in their palms and have toxic waste for blood.) created by a chemical company dumping in a abandoned mine. Bad Lighting+Crappy Plot=Shit. Do not operate heavy machinery after watching this movie, if you have seen seek medical attention. Not even a 68 Camaro could make me like this film, I do not wish to speak about it any further. |
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- Country folk are violent, drunk, imbeciles.
- County sheriffs will not arrest you for knifing someone.
- I still don't know the secret of Wings Hauser's success.
- There really are monsters under the bed.
- If you are in an abandoned school and hear gutteral roaring sounds coming from the basement... ...don't check them out - sheesh!
- A barely pressurized hose will knock everyone into a toxic waste pit.
- Crazed mutants carefully remove light bulbs.
- Bathroom stalls make pretty defensible positions.
- Never put your back to a window, especially if you know toxic vampires are around.
- 4 mins - One thing going for this movie, a 68 Camaro.
- 12 mins - Did something just steam him to death?
- 32 mins - What color is that shirt? Mauve? No wonder everybody wants to kick your ass.
- 48 mins - I get the idea, it's dark - but film is a visual art form. (This is a problem throughout the movie - at least there's a 68 Camaro)
- 49 mins - The sound or camera person is reflected in the car window.
- 58 mins - Dr. Tate doesn't notice him mutating into a monster 10 feet away?
- 64 mins - Cloth masks are filtering all these toxic fumes? Could we see the Camaro again?
- 81 mins - Goodness! The kid got chomped! This movie is breaking all the rules!
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| File | Dialog |  | mutant1.wav
| Josh: "Have fun, close the door, thank you, goodnight!" Mike: "God bless."
|  | mutant2.wav
| Dr. Tate: "Who would want to steal blood?"
|  | mutant3.wav
| Dr. Tate: "All I want is one night with the body, just one night."
|  | mutant4.wav
| Josh: "What are you a bunch of rednecks?"
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| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
| Leave a comment | EXTRAS | Buy the movie | |