Rated R
| Copyright 1987 Full Moon Pictures and Colorcast Productions Inc.
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Lisa - Chunky girl who lives. Knocked up by a zombie, but alive...
- Drinking Dude - Heck I dunno, they don't name him anywhere. He is always drinking alcohol though.
- Sally and Theresa - Two girls with the camping group who get chomped early on.
- Wilbur, Andy, and Bob - All get eaten of course, Wilbur is the head camper. Andy is hell bent for hygiene, Bob is the acid-popping med student.
- Pa, Ma, Jethro, Junior, and Elly May Clemson - The Clemson clan, not only do they create the contaminated moonshine - they drink it and become zombies! Elly May is a guy by the way, he has some gender issues.
- Ferd Mertz - Very heavy hick, finds and give the Clemsons the drum full of toxic waste, he becomes a zombie.
- Robinson - Army guy who loses the barrel off his jeep, Ferd Mertz crushes his head. (Choice stuff, see below.)
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Here is one of the great films from my home state of Delaware. I never noticed all the fat women in high school, maybe they plump up later... Though the plot crawls at times this movie has some cool gore going for it, especially Robinson's eyes popping out when his head gets crushed. Ferd Mertz finds the barrel of toxic waste but gives it to the Clemsons to settle a dispute. (He shot up their previous still.) They use it to brew moonshine for the entire town, needless to say: "Moonshine mixed with chemical and nuclear waste is BAD." Everybody starts turning into zombies and munching anyone not one, so enters the plight our campers face. That's pretty much the plot my friends, oh there are plenty of little nuances. Like the men watching screaming chickens on TV and who have a woman wrapped in tape. Let's not forget the weird tobacco man, he wears this burlap sack on his head - I dunno either. |
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- Don't give the masochistic pyromaniac a lit cigarette.
- Highly classified chemical and nuclear waste is transported in the back of a jeep.
- "Slim" is hardly the appropriate term for some guy wearing size 60 pants.
- Barrels previously used for toxic waste are the last thing to make your still out of.
- If someone's torso is missing it's safe to say they're dead.
- Bactine is good for minor cuts, abrasions, and zombie bites.
- When performing an autopsy do not puke in the cadaver.
- Underarm deoderant melts zombies.
- Zombies speak French.
- Shooting anything at a range of eight feet with a shotgun is going to require bathing later.
- 1 min - A fifty-five gallon drum of chemical AND nuclear waste?
- 16 mins - This big redneck has got to stop acting effeminate.
- 25 mins - One scene it's summer, the next it's winter...
- 27 mins - Dude is actually pissing in the pond.
- 33 mins - Okay, we get the idea, they are turning into zombies. Enough weird effects!
- 36 mins - Still turning into zombies.
- 50 mins - What is this, Silence of the Chickens? Why are all these chicks on the screen accompanied by screaming?
- Ending Credits - Now here is a definative study in repeating names. Hmmm, E.W. Benson and W.E. Nesbed...
- Pa Clemson: "You quit your sassing boy, I pulled you out of your mother and I'll shove yah right back in. Now you get in that truck and you skeddadle."
- Guy: "Hahaha! I like knockers!"
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| File | Dialog |  | redneckzombies1.wav
| Wilbur: "Don't be singing those spirituals now Theresa." Theresa: "I'll tell you what, I'll just sing about redneck white boys who are a pain in their own ass."
|  | redneckzombies2.wav
| Pa Clemson: "But if you ever mess around our still again, Ferd Mertz, you're going to be picking buckshot from where the sun don't shine!" Ferd Mertz: "You mean Antartica?"
|  | redneckzombies3.wav
| Wilbur: "Anyway, you're going to love this place. It's a dynamite camping spot, and it's got a pond to piss in."
|  | redneckzombies4.wav
| Bob: "What are you doing, feeding us to your cousins or something?"
|  | Theme Song | Listen to a clip from the soundtrack. | |
| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
| Leave a comment | EXTRAS | Buy the movie | |