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Rated R
Copyright 1987 Urban Classics
Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Daria - Slave girl from beyond infinity who has some tig old bitties.
  • Tisa - The other slave girl from beyond infinity who is a bit more average.
  • Zed - A hunter living on a remote planet. He loves to hunt other humans.
  • Rik - Just this guy, he has sex with Daria once and says, "If I die now, I die a happy man." bad move buddy, real bad.
  • Sheila - Rik's sister who dies, it's Brinke Stevens and though seeming to die more often than Bill Paxton she get's naked in a flash. You gotta respect that...
  • Vak and Kzel - Zed's robots, must've been bought used or on sale.
  • Mutant Alien Thing - You require any further description?

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The Plot: 

Secretly taped conversation between the producer and writer of this movie follows:

Okay, okay - so there are these two concubine slave girls. Yeah, and um, and they escape! Yes! And they steal a shuttle and get away, but have to crash land on this planet see. Oh, and I read this story about a guy who hunts people called "The Most Dangerous Game." Yeah, I read that! So there's a castle on the planet and the guy living there makes people crash land then hunts them? Exactly, let's get some girls with big breasts... (end of tape)

Well, that's how I think it would go. While it might be graded low, teenage males will love this movie.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Manacles are polarized.
  • Computers require you wear a rubber glove to access the keypad.
  • Locked doors never get in the way of plot points.
  • Women always wander around castles at night in something sexy.
  • Slave girls are expert spacecraft pilots, can set traps with the best of them, and know ancient hieroglyphics like the back of their hand.
  • Mahogony trees are common across the universe.
  • You can duck a laser bolt.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 9 mins - That laser kind of shot out at the wrong angle...
  • 13 mins - She just climbed out of the surf and her hair is dry?
  • 19 mins - Is that a stuffed Woolly Mammoth?
  • 28 mins - They wanted air so they walked ten feet away.
  • 42 mins - She's coming on to a robot. And it's responding?
  • 47 mins - Really steamy sex scene considering she's wearing underwear.
  • 63 mins - Zed, the expert hunter who avoids the hidden pitfall, walks into an unconcealed stake.
  • 77 mins - A line stolen from "This Island Earth!"


  • Daria: "He is history now."
    Tisa: "History has a way of repeating itself."
    Daria: "Oh yeah?"

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note slavegirls1.wav Rik: "I've heard alot about you."
Daria: "Nothing good I hope."
Green Music Note slavegirls2.wav Tisa: "Hurry back, if you two get yourselves killed out there you'll have me to answer to."
Green Music Note slavegirls3.wav Vak and Kzel having a dysfunctional conversation - you just have to hear it.
Green Music Note slavegirls4.wav Daria: "If, if, I'm sick of ifs! If life wasn't so cruel everything would be beautiful! Life doesn't care! Look at this jungle, everything in it survives by killing something else!"

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 



 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clipslavegirls1.mpg - 2.6m
Things were confusing enough as it was, but just to make sure you're completely lost the script has this weird mutant thing running loose. The mace? I don't know either, first time I saw the blasted thing.

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