Not Rated
| Copyright 1991 Golden Harvest
| Reviewed by Andrew Borntreger on 'a long time ago'
- Ricky - Young man sentenced to prison for killing a opium dealer. (Who was responsible for Ying's death.)
- The Warden - Evil controller of the prison, he carries a pistol which makes people explode and seems to be a demon too. Turned into ground beef (literally) by Ricky.
- The Assistant Warden - Fat and mean henchman with a glass eye and hook hand. Explodes after being shot by the Warden.
- Huang Chan - Very deadly at martial arts and a gang boss, he is awfully feminine though. Ricky rips off or breaks all his limbs.
- Taizan - Huge gang boss who can crush a man's skull. (see below!) Mashed under a hydraulic press after Ricky cripples him.
- Shorty - Little gang boss who uses large spikes attached to elastic bands. Shot in the ass and explodes.
- Hai - Tatoo wearing gang boss. Ricky punches his skull in.
- Wild Cat, Fink, and Elephant - Bullies of the cell block. Ricky punches through Elephant and Wild Cat, he only knocks the top off of Fink's head.
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Plainly amazing, we are talking heads punched in half, guys using their intestines (hanging out of their body cavity) to strangle Ricky, people exploding, and internal organs flying all over the place.
Ricky arrives in prison after killing a opium dealer, the guy had kidnapped his girlfriend and she ran off the side of a building to get away. (I never said she was intelligent.) The prison is run by a evil Warden (Away on vacation when the film begins.), his assistant, and "The Gang of Four." This gang is a group of powerful fighters who rule the inmates through fear. Now Ricky does not take kindly to their ways, fighting and killing Hai in a brutal exchange where Ricky must tie his severed tendons back together. After that the other three show up and gratuitously slaughter a few prisoners until Ricky backs down. Here is the legendary "Head Crush" scene, by the way.
Pretty soon the young warrior learns they are growing poppy in the prison. He sets fire to the crop and things really take off. The Warden returns and is quite angry about the uprising. Ricky kills the remainder of "The Gang of Four" and faces off against him, finally tossing the monster into a meat grinding machine!
I cannot say enough about the crazy number of body parts being mashed, at one point Ricky punches through the bottom of Taizan's jaw and out his mouth! On a "that is way nasty" note, the Assistant Warden keeps mints in his glass eye; it is hollow.
If you are of the hardy sort who loves crazy and bloody kung fu, this is your paradise. |
Things I Learned From This Movie: | |
- Wood lathes should be used in Rhinoplasty.
- Dead prisoners are kept handcuffed.
- The inside of your hand is made out of styrofoam.
- Kneecaps are ticklish.
- Destroying gravestones is okay if it's for Kung Fu training.
- People keep their fake eye in a glass of ice water.
- Glass eyes are full of mints.
- You can tie your tendons together.
- Leaves sound just like a flute if you know how to play them.
- You can stop someone's heart with a certain martial arts punch.
- Prisons have rooms boobytrapped to fill with cement.
- Cement really will turn you into stone!
- Kung Fu masters can split a bamboo pole with their tongue. (So why are they always single?)
- Asian women exhibit "Lemming Syndrome."
- Straight razor blades are not food.
- Never put your foot through a hot water heater.
- 7 mins - OUCH! (Wood lathe to the face.)
- 8 mins - OUCH! (Block of nails through the hand into the face.)
- 16 mins - OUCH! (Punched through the stomach.)
- 17 mins - Where did the hole in Ricky's hand go?
- 31 mins - Man, I would not want to get chopped with that thing.
- 32 mins - Slow motion, this is going to suck for you buddy. OUCH! (Chopper thing to the head.)
- 42 mins - Yeah, his fingers matched the notes he was playing...
- 45 mins - OUCH! (Knife skinning his face.)
- 46 mins - Does anybody stay in their cell around here?
- 48 mins - Hehehehe! What was that goofy stuff?
- 58 mins - OUCH! (Cane through the eye.)
- 62 mins - OUCH! (Punch through the jaw and hand.)
- 74 mins - Do not warn your hero that a backhoe is sneaking up on him.
- 75 mins - OUCH! (Very large wrench to the head.)
- 80 mins - OUCH! (Head punched in half.)
| Audio clips in wav format | SOUNDS | Starving actors speak out | |
| Click for a larger image | IMAGES | Scenes from the movie | |
| Watch a scene | VIDEO | MPEG video files | |
 | storyofricky1.mpg
- 1.5m
The legendary "Head Crush" scene. This is just a part of the insane goodness, there are plenty of injuries which would make trauma room nurses faint.
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