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Rated R
Copyright 1978 Epoch Releasing
Reviewed by Demian, Denyse Mercer, and Jode Carrasco - they supplied the sounds. on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • Elizabeth Clyborne - Some pledge. She bites it in the first two minutes.
  • Judy Peak - Another pledge. She lives through the initiation and, amazingly, the rest of the movie.
  • Sylvia Woodworth - A drunken prostitute. She accidentally killed Liz, and ultimately she dies of a gatling gun blast to the butt courtesy of Liz's pop.
  • Penny - A hippie chick. She gets strangled, presumably by Judy.
  • Diane - The Baby Spice of the 70s. A deflating snake kills her.
  • Francie ("Miss Amerihat") - An obnoxious toothy lass in patriotic attire. Her career as most obnoxious character in the film is cut short by a pair of scissors to the spinal column.
  • Joe - A really horny guy. Like many guys named Joe, he gets fried.
  • Mark Roberson - A levelheaded heroic individual who doesn't trust light bulbs. In the dramatic conclusion, he gets blown away by Judy.
  • Mr. Clyborne - Elizabeth's dad. Taught how to fly by Judy.
  • That Guy in the Truck - Some guy in a truck who tries to molest Diane. He is eventually warded off by a bible, which he finds very amusing.

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The Plot: 

Seven years ago, Elizabeth did an Abraham Lincoln. Now, she's back! Oh, no, wait, she isn't. However, her father has invited the girls who were present at the sorority initiation gone wrong which killed her. Soon, her five friends are in a deserted mansion (or "castle," if you believe the video box) accompanied only by two lazy drifters who refuse to go away, Elizabeth's father, a dog, a spider, and a snake. Soon, the girls (and the hapless spider) begin to get killed off, and everyone is trapped at the mansion by a pesky electric fence wearing a light bulb (which Mark doesn't trust one bit). Eventually, it is revealed that Judy is the demented killer, and further carnage ensues. In the end, there can be only one, and it is Judy Peak (insert Highlander music here). Yes, evil triumphs, and it's a girl!

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • Rattlesnakes sound like those 25 cent air pumps at gas stations.
  • Light bulbs are more trustworthy than you'd think.
  • Guys named Joe always end up getting toasted somehow.
  • If you need to dig a hole, try an axe head or a funnel.
  • Spiders explode real good.
  • Listen to the hippie.
  • Gatling gun ammo can be manufactured in the comfort of your own home!

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 1 min - How do they breathe in those things?
  • 13 mins - She should be arrested just for that hat!
  • 32 mins - At this point, we've seen enough shots of shoes to last a lifetime.
  • 35 mins - Wow, umm, the moon sure is bright tonight.
  • 50 mins - He didn't list those alphabetically. What an idiot.
  • 52 mins - Watch Joe's head in this scene... ...bad editing! BAD!
  • 59 mins -I'll just remove my shoes to encourage the spider...
  • 68 mins - It's the amazing deflating snake!

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note sistersdeath1.wav Zombie Voice: "Sisters, the pledges are ready."
Green Music Note sistersdeath2.wav Sylvia: "Hey...'re really upset."
Green Music Note sistersdeath3.wav Some hippie guy mumbling nonsense.
Green Music Note sistersdeath4.wav Francie: "If I don't get to a ladies' room fast, I *know* what's gonna happen."
Green Music Note sistersdeath5.wav Mark: "But I don't trust light bulbs."
Green Music Note sistersdeath6.wav Mark: "Boy, you really are horny, aren't you?"

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