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Rated R
Copyright 1981 American Werewolf, Inc.
Reviewed by Darin Wagner on 'a long time ago'

The Characters:  

  • David Kessler - David Naughton! An American college student in England and the latest bearer of the werewolf curse.
  • Jack Preston - Griffin Dunne! David's pal, killed by a werewolf and cursed to walk the Earth in Limbo as a decomposing ghost.
  • Nurse Alex Price - Jenny Agutter! An uncharacteristically sexy British woman and David's nurse.
  • American Ambassador - Frank Oz! A representative of the U.S. in London.
  • The British - Mostly depicted as being eccentric in one form or another, sometimes with ridiculously stupid results.

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The Plot: 

Simple enough. Two American college students named David and Jack are backpacking through Europe. While on the moors of England (Think central Montana.), the guys enter a pub in the tiny village of East Proctor. There they encounter superstitious townsfolk who, unbeknownst to our heroes, are there for safety against a local werewolf. Protected by a pentagram and a few candles, these people convince the two Americans to leave. (In order to protect their secret.) While on the moors, David and Jack are attacked by the bear-sized werewolf. Jack doesn't make it and David is viscously clawed by the beast before it is shot... the very villagers who cast them out. Waking up in London hospital weeks later, David falls in love with his nurse. He also meets Jack, who is dead but still walks the Earth. Jack tells David that he is a werewolf and that he'll kill people, he advises suicide. Not listening, David changes into a monster twice before he is put down by London's version of a SWAT team. This movie is a perfect blend of comedy and horror... serves to heighten the other and vice-versa. Directed by John Landis.

Things I Learned From This Movie: 

  • British pubs don't serve food.
  • British people don't like John Wayne movies.
  • Mentioning stars-on-the-wall causes master dart throwers to miss their dart boards.
  • Beware the moon. Keep off the moors.
  • American ambassadors sound like Fozzy Bear.
  • British businessmen can't run to save their asses.
  • British children don't run when they encounter talking bushes, or naked men.
  • Ghosts like porn theaters.
  • Werewolves like decapitating policemen.
  • London has its own SWAT team.

Stuff To Watch For: 

  • 3 mins - Illustration of gratuitous violence towards a lamb.
  • 15 mins - Male nudity (eewww!)
  • 35 mins - Gratuitous sex in a shower!!
  • 40 mins - "Hi, David!" says Mickey Mouse.
  • 45 mins - Why is this guy not running from the growls in the subway tunnel?
  • 72 mins - Porno scenes!!
  • 74 mins - Why does the porno usher not give a werewolf privacy as he's transforming?
  • 80 mins - Male nudity (eewww!)

 Audio clips in wav formatSOUNDSStarving actors speak out 

Green Music Note wolflondon1.wav Guy in pub: "Go! Stay on the road, keep clear of moors."
Green Music Note wolflondon2.wav David and Jack talking about the wolf howling.
Green Music Note wolflondon3.wav The werewolf howls.
Green Music Note wolflondon4.wav David talking to Jack's mangled ghost.
Green Music Note wolflondon5.wav David: "Believe what? That tomorrow night, beneath the full moon, I'll sprout hair and fangs and eat people?"
Green Music Note wolflondon6.wav Helpful suicide suggestions.

 Click for a larger imageIMAGESScenes from the movie 


 Watch a sceneVIDEOMPEG video files 

Video Clipwolflondon1.mpg - 2.8m
David transforms.

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