NIX | (DURING THIS SCENE WAVE YOUR ARMS BACK AND FORTH SAYING: ASSHOLE, SLUT, ASSHOLE, SLUT... AS APPROPRIATE.) I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as President, I must put the interests of America first. American needs a full time President, NOT A PART TIME CROOK! and a full time Congress, particularly at this time... |
Janet | Gosh, that's the third motorcycle that's past us NO IT'S THE FIRST, SLUTS CAN'T COUNT. They sure do take their lives in their hands, what with the weather and all. |
Brad | Yes Janet, life's pretty cheap for that type. DON'T EAT THAT, IT'LL GIVE YOU ZITS! |
Janet | What's the matter Brad darling? THERE'S CUM ON THE WINDSHIELD! |
Brad | Hmmm, we must've take a wrong fork a few miles back. FORK YOU! |
Janet | But then where did that motorcyclist come from? DETROIT OR TOKYO! |
Brad | Well, I guess we'll just have to turn back. |
Janet | What was that bang? IT WAS A GANG BANG! |
Brad | We must have a blowout, damn it! JANET! I knew I should have gotten that spare tire fixed. ASSHOLE. Well, you just stay here and keep warm and I'll go for help. |
Janet | Where will you go? We're in the middle of nowhere. |
Brad | HEY ASSHOLE, WHAT'S WHITE AND SELLS HAMBURGERS? Didn't we pass a castle back down the road a few miles? Maybe they have a telephone I could use. CASTLES DON'T HAVE PHONES ASSHOLE. |
Janet | I'm going with you. |
Brad | Oh darling, there's no sense in both of us getting wet. |
Janet | I'm coming with you! OR WITHOUT YOU! Besides darling, the owner of that phone might be a beautiful woman SHE'S HALF RIGHT. and you might never come back again.